Twitter is a social networking online web application that gives users the ability to share real-time information through the posting of status updates, news, events, jokes, and any other information by way of ‘tweets’. Tweets are are essentially messages limited to 140 characters, and can be received through text messages and twitters website interface.

People often think that Twitter is hard to use and the one question that keeps going through their head is, "how do I use twitter?" To be able to use Twitter's service you will need to register, and if your profile is made public then anyone in the world is able to see what you write. But you also have the option to make your profile private so keep that in mind when signing up.

The Following Is A Guideline Or Steps On How To Use Twitter Effectively:

1.) Registration

This begins by you creating a username, then introducing yourself and describing who you are. The username you create will be the way people will interact with you in conversation. Have a profile picture and bio that reflects who you are. It is recommended that you use your actual picture and real name so that people are comfortable when interacting with you.

2.) Seek Out Relevant People To Follow

Once you are finished with the registration, you will then need to look for people you can follow, which you can find through following people you know or your friends since you will still be in the learning stages of how to use Twitter. You may also think of following the people your friends are following which can be a good idea. As you continue and depending on your interests, twitter will give you suggestions on who to follow and it will be up to you to follow them or not. Even if someone follows you, the decision to follow them back is entirely up to you, thus if you feel that somebody you followed is clogging your timeline with over-tweeting then you can un-follow them or block them.

3.) Joining The Conversation

Once you see a tweet that is interesting you can click ‘reply’ and add your comments by sending a 140 character message. You can also view all the responses that a message has received by clicking on ‘expand’ or ‘view conversations’ .You may see a vertical blue line that connects some tweets and this means that Twitter has grouped the messages together because you follow the two users; thus clicking on any one will enable you to view the full conversation.

4.) Re-Tweeting

This implies the sharing of someone else’s tweet or giving it credit. It is a way to share something that you find interesting from someone you follow to your own followers and this can be done by clicking the re-tweet button which appears when you hover your mouse over someone’s tweet. This will be sent to your followers together with the profile of the original tweeter. You can also re-tweet by clicking and expanding the tweet. The tweet will then appear in your timeline with your profile and your comments.

We use twitter here at Knowzo for not only following people we love, but to also keep up on current news, trends, and anything that may appeal to us.