Category: Hearing Loss

3 Surprising Ways To Reverse Your Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is quite common. It affects most people once they are over the age of 65, although it can also occur in younger people. This usually starts mildly, but it may worsen into more severe hearing problems over time. People are often told that once they start down the path of hearing loss, there is nothing that can be done anymore. It is generally progressive, as well as permanent. Fortunately, it has now been found that this is not necessarily true. In this article, we will take a look at 3 surprising ways to reverse your hearing loss. An important caveat, however, is that it does depend on what caused the hearing problem in the first place.

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What Causes Hearing Loss And How Is It Treated?

Hearing loss is quite a common condition. In fact, it is the third most reported physical ailment in this country (after arthritis and heart disease), and the number one cause of disability in active duty military personnel. But what causes hearing loss and how is it treated? Essentially, hearing loss is caused by sound signals no longer being able to get to the brain. This can be because there is damage to the hair cells found in the inner ear or to the auditory nerve (known as sensorineural hearing loss), or it can be caused by blockages between the inner and outer ear (known as conductive hearing loss).

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Everything You Need To Know About Hearing Loss

A lot of people think that hearing loss is something that you are either born with, or develops as you age. While both are true, the reality is that there are many other things that can be behind hearing loss. In this article, we’ll try to discuss everything you need to know about hearing loss.

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Hearing Loss Causes, Signs, Symptoms And Treatments

Hearing loss represents the third most common problem with health in the United States, and it can affect the quality of your life significantly. Around 48 million Americans have currently lost some of their hearing. Meanwhile, with so many different untreatable cases of hearing loss, it’s worth noting that prevention remains to be the best way to ensure that you keep your hearing ability for the long term. Additionally, if you have already lost some of your hearing, there are several ways that you can communicate and stay connected to family and friends.

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7 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Hearing Loss

How can you be sure whether you’re losing your hearing, or someone close to you is going deaf? You may be surprised to learn that around 2 in every 3 people with hearing loss problems are currently undiagnosed, and not receiving any kind of treatment. That means that recognizing the signs of hearing loss might be more difficult than you think. Here, we’re going to take a closer look at the 7 warning signs and symptoms of hearing loss that might indicate you need to see a professional.

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