It is a given that everyone will experience acne at some point in life. For most of us, it is during our adolescent years when we have to wear the unsightly signs of blackheads, pimples, and crevices as they carve their way across our faces. But occasionally, acne takes a turn for the worse and more severe symptoms appear indicating that something more serious is going on in our body. When that happens you may have the tendency to disregard the problem in hopes that it will fade on its own, but when it comes to severe acne that is rarely the case. For that you need a guide to severe acne treatment options to help you decide what to do. A visit to a dermatologist would be the first step – they might recommend a number of treatments that can help you to deal with the problem.


A common drug that that is used for severe acne treatment is isotretinoin. Isotretinoin works to stop the glands from producing oils that could be causing your severe skin irritation and inflammation. While this drug has been proven effective, it is not a quick fix and you will need to be on the treatment for as long as six months to get the best results.

Possible Side Effects:

While isotretinoin can be one of the most effective treatments for severe acne, it does not come without a few negative side effects that you may have to deal with; the most severe of these can lead to birth defects. It is strongly recommended when you're using isotretinoin that you exercise birth control while under treatment.

Even though the drug has proven effective, its success rate is not 100%. In 8 out of 10 people the acne will clear up, but at least a third of those people will find that the problem will reemerge within the first year. Be prepared to go through the treatment again if needed.

Steroids and PDT – Photodynamic Therapy:

Other treatments your doctor may recommend are steroid injections to deal with the inflammation and shrink acne cysts that may have emerged and photodynamic therapy, which uses light to kill the bacteria that are causing your acne.

While all acne starts off as a mild case, careful attention to its progress is essential. Check regularly for signs that the acne is progressing into a more severe case. If you discover painful or sensitive cysts or pimples with puss oozing from them it is time to see a doctor. The sooner you start your treatments the sooner you can get relief.

Don't Ignore Acne Warning Signs:

There are many additional warning signs that will become evident when dealing with acne. Aside from the warning signs of the acne itself, you also have to monitor your body's reaction to the medication. You may have an allergic reaction that is evident physically or you may experience a change in your mood or personality. Any guide to severe acne treatment will help you to identify those warning signs.

Yes, acne is a common problem and a certain amount of it is perfectly normal for most of us. However, those who ignore the problem may find that they are dealing with a much more serious situation later. Don't ignore any warning signs that may occur no matter how minor they may seem; it will only get better when you seek out the help you need.