ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that presents itself in both children and adults. Most commonly occurring during childhood, ADHD causes difficulties such as impulsive behavior, hyperactivity and inability to pay attention for extended periods of time. As a result of this condition everyday aspects of life such as attending school or building relationships can become extremely difficult. In some cases symptoms lessen with age. Fortunately, there are numerous treatment options available to control this condition, although treatment does not cure ADHD, it simply manages it.

Adult ADHD Symptoms And Signs:

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a variety of symptoms. Since this condition is commonly found in children, there is difficulty differentiating normal behavior from ADHD. Signs and symptoms can become noticeable in children as young as two years old. Symptoms of ADHD include:

  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Easily distracted
  • Frequently forgetful
  • Difficulty organizing
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Difficulty staying seated
  • Frequent interruptions of others’ activities
  • Lack of patience
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Intrusiveness
  • Difficult waiting for his/her turn
  • Extremely talkative

If any of these symptoms present itself and are causes of concern, please discuss it with a health care professional or your general practitioner. Once you visit a doctor they may refer you to a specialist. Then the underlying problem of the behavior will be determined and if ADHD is diagnosed, treatment can begin.

Diagnosis For Adult ADHD:

In order to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a series of steps have to be done. In terms of children, a definite diagnosis should not be done unless symptoms occur early in life. Diagnosing ADHD will include a medical examination, information concerning the problem will be gathered, interviews and/or questionnaires will be given, and your doctor will use a ADHD rating scale to evaluate the information collected. Once complete, this condition can be diagnosed if your child meets the criteria in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders or another diagnosis may be made. Whatever the case may be, a treatment plan will begin to treat symptoms.

Adult ADHD Treatments And Medications:

The most common treatments for ADHD is a combination of medication and counseling. Although not a cure, these treatments help to control symptoms. In most cases, stimulant medications are prescribed. They work by boosting chemicals in the brain, also known as neurotransmitters, as well as balancing them. As a result, signs of hyperactivity and inattention are improved drastically. Stimulant medications include, but are not limited to:

  • Adderall XR
  • Concerta
  • Ritalin
  • Dexedrine

Stimulant drugs are available in both short-acting and long-acting forms. Your doctor will prescribe the right one that suits your specific case. Other medications such as antidepressants are also used to treat this condition.

Overall, the question of what is ADHD is simple. It is a chronic condition that includes a combination of challenges such as inattention, impulsive behavior and hyperactivity. There are many signs and symptoms of this condition, but symptoms can be controlled once a proper diagnosis is made. Although there is no cure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it can be controlled with the right medication. Once treatment begins neurotransmitters in the brain will begin to balance out and results will become prevalent.