Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) has a stigma behind it, especially for children, as it can cause problems with learning and social behavior. In adults, many of these feelings and sensations are still present, but a mature mind has an easier time dealing with the symptoms as they present themselves. This can both be a blessing and a curse, because many individuals may go on throughout life never knowing that they have the disorder.

In children, the symptoms associated with ADHD are much more pronounced, especially in settings with other children. In adults, these signs can be difficult to determine, and may be far subtler. This makes it that much more important that adults monitor curious symptoms and report them to a physician for follow up.

Attention To Detail:

One of the adult ADHD symptoms which carries over from adolescents is the inability to focus. Those with ADHD are often easily distracted and have problems taking part in lengthy conversations or carrying out long term projects. Activities such as lengthy craft projects or reading a novel might escape them simply because they can't focus on the task at hand for long enough to finish.

Adults with ADHD also tend to have poor listening and comprehension skills. It is not that these individuals aren't smart, but simply that they have trouble focusing on the words being spoken to them unless there is something of interest being said. Adults who suffer from the disorder may require repeated instructions at work, or for appointments to be scheduled and written down for them so that they are remembered.

Energy And Motivation:

When researching adult adhd symptoms, you are likely to find that restlessness is a common side effect of the disorder. Many men and women have trouble falling asleep at night, or even relaxing and sitting still for more than a few minutes. These individuals tend not to enjoy jobs which must be spent behind a computer desk not moving, but can flourish when placed in an environment where things are constantly changing and moving.

Unfortunately, adult ADHD sufferers don't just have an inability to relax, they also tend to struggle with finding the motivation to get started on a project as well. This can make them late to appointments, or make it very difficult to get up and go in the morning when there is work to be done.

Impulsivity And Willpower:

Something that many people without ADHD fail to understand is that the disorder is not all about willpower. Children and adults suffering from the disorder are often impulsive and will make poor choices without thinking because that is what he or she wants in that moment. This is because of a chemical imbalance.

Adult ADHD symptoms are not encouraged by a lack of will power, but by biological and mental issues beneath the surface. The same chemicals that make it difficult for an adult with ADHD to sit and read a long book is also causing that individual to cross the street without looking or take the last cookie without asking others if they want it first.