There are a lot of different treatment options for allergies. Many people do not have severe enough symptoms to warrant going to a doctor for their treatments. They will go to their local pharmacy or grocery store and pick up an over-the-counter medication that works best for their symptoms. There are other people who have very severe symptoms and they need to go to a doctor for treatment. Many of these people also do not want to have to take medications for the rest of their lives whenever their symptoms flare up. This is when people get allergy shots. Allergy shots help your body get used to allergens. They are not used to cure your symptoms, but the symptoms will get better and then you may not have allergic reactions as often.

Getting allergy shots can take time. You will get them more often at first, and then the amount of shots you will get will slowly decrease over time. When you go to get your shot, the doctor will give it to you in your upper arm. The shot will contain a small amount of the thing you are allergic to, whether it be pollen, pet dander, mold, or bee venom. First, you will get a shot every two to four weeks for four to five months. The time between shots will then increase. Your doctor will determine the time increments that are right for you. You will then get to a point where you are getting a shot one a month for three to five years. Usually if your symptoms do not improve within a year of getting shots, your doctor will inform you about other treatment options.

Allergy shots work for many of the allergies that are common to most people. They will generally work for allergies to dust mites, pollen, mold, pet dander, and bee stings. These are the most common allergens and the shots will work depending on how allergic you are to a certain allergen and how severe your symptoms are. Unfortunately, there is no solid evidence that shots work for allergies related to food, drugs or latex.

There are several steps to take in order to prepare for your allergy shots. It is best to tell your doctor about any medicines or supplements that you are taking. Different medications can interfere with the shots and can increase the risk of specific side-effects. Some medications will not allow you to have allergy shots, so it is best to get that information to your doctor before getting any shots. You may want to avoid exercise for two hours before your appointment. Exercise can increase blood flow to the tissues and cause the allergens to spread through the body faster.

Once you get your allergy shot, you will stay at the doctor’s office for about 30 minutes. This is to ensure that you do not develop side-effects like shortness of breath, runny nose, or a tight throat. You may develop these symptoms after you leave. You should go back to your doctor’s office or to an emergency room if this occurs. Swelling, irritation and redness around the injection site is completely normal. These symptoms will most likely go away in four to eight hours. Call you doctor if these symptoms do not go away.

Getting allergy shots is a preferred method of treatment for many people. It takes away the need for constant medicating when symptoms arise. Make sure to talk to your doctor about any pre-existing conditions or medications you are taking to make sure that allergy shots are the right treatment for your allergy symptoms.