There are many things that can come along with aging, and memory loss is one of those things. Much like wrinkly skin, or when your eyesight starts to go a bit, memory loss of certain things can come along the older a person gets. There are many things that are normal with aging, and there are some things that are not as normal, and could point to something like Alzheimer’s. It is important to know what is normal and what is not normal when aging, that way you can alert your doctor to your concerns, and they can decide whether or not there is concern for Alzheimer’s.

It is common and understandable that a person may worry that they have Alzheimer’s if they begin to experience memory loss. Alzheimer’s affects 5 million Americans, and it is irreversible. Many people fear that they will get this disease, and will take every minor lapse as memory as a cause for concern. This sudden, and often minor time when there is a loss of memory can be no big deal. This could be due to the normal aging process. There are other conditions that contribute to memory loss as well, and these include: depression, illness, stress, medication side effects, not enough vitamins, and alcohol abuse. If you are concerned, check with your doctor, and they can see what exactly is causing your memory loss, whether is be Alzheimer’s or something else.

There are times when you may think a symptom of aging is normal, but it could in fact be pointing to something more serious. Not being aware that there is a more serious problem is actually a symptom of Alzheimer’s. If the people you love are concerned about your memory, you should see a doctor. It could just be normal aging, but it could also be a sign of Alzheimer’s.

There are different things that happen throughout your day that can change when you get older. However, there is a difference between things that are normal, and things that are a cause for concern. There are quite a few examples of what is normal and what could be a cause for concern, and listed below are a few of them.

One thing that becomes increasingly difficult with age is balancing the checkbook. If you make a mistake every once in a while when doing this task, it is completely normal, and there is no real reason to worry. However, if you are having trouble with things that involve numbers, like following a recipe or paying monthly bills, you could have a more serious issue. If you are having issues planning or solving problems that used to be easy, this could also be a sign of something more serious.

Another thing that becomes difficult with age is misplacing items, like your keys or the remote. If you do not put them in the right spot, and have to spend a little bit of time remembering where you put them, you are experiencing something many people who are aging experience. However, if you put things in weird places that do not make any sense, and you cannot even vaguely remember or retrace your steps, you could be showing a sign of Alzheimer’s. You may also accuse others of stealing the item if you cannot find it, which is a sign of aggression that comes along with Alzheimer’s.

One last thing that could either be normal or a cause for concern is when you feel tired of social demands, or work and family. This is normal if this happens from time to time. It is not normal when you cannot keep up with the hobbies that you like, or you try not to spend time with others because of the changes that you have been through.

Not every lapse in memory or in judgment needs to a major cause for concern if you are aging. Often times, these experiences are quite normal with aging. However, if you are experiencing anything that is out of the ordinary, or your loved ones seem worried about you, you should contact your doctor.