A lot of us feel uncomfortable about the way that we look from time to time. We wish that we looked different, or we want to change something about our appearance. However, if an obsession with being thinner has changed the way that you eat and behave, then this could be a sign that you're suffering from an eating disorder. One of the eating disorders that seems to be most common is anorexia, and when you have this condition, your obsession with losing weight becomes the most important thing in your life. You might find that you can't even see yourself as you really are. Here, we're going to ask the question "What is anorexia?" and look at some of the causes, signs, and treatments.

Understanding What Anorexia Is By Looking at the Signs and Symptoms:

Usually, living with anorexia means that you'll end up hiding your habits. This can mean that it's difficult for friends and family to spot the signs of an eating disorder quickly. When you're confronted, you might find that you attempt to explain away your eating behavior. However, as your disorder progresses, it will be hard to deny the fact that something is wrong, and you shouldn't run from help. Symptoms of anorexia might include:

1. Dieting even though you're already thin

Some people will follow a highly restricted diet that contains low-calorie foods and stay away from certain foods like fats and carbs.

2. Obsession with calories

People with anorexia often spend much of their time measuring and weighing their food, reading the labels on their meals and reading various dieting books. They may also have a preoccupation with food that means that they're constantly reading about food and making different meal plans though they actually eat very little.

3. Dramatic loss in weight

People who struggle with anorexia will begin to experience a rapid loss of weight without any medical or reasonable cause. However, they might continue to feel fat and tell you that they're too fat even though they are underweight.

4. Obsession with body image

People with anorexia are often obsessed with the way that they look, fixating on clothing sizes, frequent fluctuations in weight and body shape. They may spend a lot of time in front of the mirror looking for flaws in their appearance, and the chances are that they will constantly criticize their own appearance and claim that they are overweight.

Examining What is Anorexia by Understanding Its Causes and Treatment:

There's no simple cause for anorexia because it's such a complex condition. Emotional, social, and various biological factors can play a role, from your self-esteem, to the experiences that you may have gone through with food in the past. Because anorexia is complicated, treatment often involves a combination of medical, nutritional, and therapeutic interventions. Medicine can be used to address any problems that result from malnutrition, while nutrition can be used to bring someone back to a normal weight. Finally, therapy can recognize the underlying issues of eating disorders and help to repair the relationship with food, meaning that sufferers can start to eat normally again.