There are many reasons as to why you may experience arm pain. Fortunately, in many cases, you can find at home arm pain treatment and relief options. However, if these do not make a difference after a few days, if the pain gets worse, or if the pain is severe, then you will require an evaluation by a physician. Before that, however, you may want to try some of the following methods to help you relieve muscle cramps, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation, which are all common causes of arm pain.

At Home Arm Pain Treatment and Relief Options:

1. The first of the arm pain treatment and relief options is getting some rest, while also protecting the area that is affected. You can stop the activity that is causing the pain, change it, or at least take a break. At the same time, however, complete immobilization is generally not recommended.

2. Applying an ice pack to help reduce swelling and pain. You do, however, have to apply this immediately after the injury occurred. An ice pack should never be in direct contact with the skin, so wrap it up in a cloth, and apply it for 10 or 20 minutes. If you did manage to do this immediately, you can repeat it around three times per day.

3. Avoiding anything that can make swelling worse for the first 48 hours after the pain started. This includes drinking alcohol, using hot packs, immersing in a hot tub, or taking a hot bath or shower.

4. Using heat packs after 48 hours, unless there is still some swelling. If swelling is still present, wait for 72 hours instead. At that point, you can also start to engage in some gentle exercises to help maintain and restore flexibility. You may also want to apply an ice pack after you have done this.

5. Compression, whereby you wrap the arm with an elastic bandage, which should stop the area from swelling. However, you have to make sure that the bandage is not too tight, as this can make the condition worse. If it starts to feel too tight, loosen it slightly. Some signs to look out for include swelling underneath the bandage, coolness, increased pain, tingling, and numbness. If you feel you need compression for more than 72 hours, you should speak to a physician first.

6. Elevation, particularly when you sit or lie down. Raise the arm above the level of the heart for reduced swelling, and apply an ice pack at the same time.

7. Taking off jewelry from the arm, although this is more preventative. If your arm swells up more, it may become impossible to take your jewelry off, and this can restrict the blood flow or compress the nerves, which will make things worse.

8. Wear a sling for support if you feel that is comfortable. However, if you need a sling for longer than 48 hours, speak to your physician.

9. Massage the area to encourage blood flow. Stop if it feels painful.

10. Stop smoking, as smoking constricts the blood vessels and slows down healing.