There are many different things that can cause lower back pain. Because of this, the common symptoms of low back pain vary depending on which part is affected, and by what. That being said, the most common areas of the back that hurt are:

– A degenerative intervertebral disc

– Damage to the joints, ligaments, or bones

– Strain to the erector spinae (the large set of muscles in the lower back)

– Irritation of the nerves in the lower back

– Irritation of the roots of the large nerves in the lower back, which travel to the leg

Low back pain is incredibly common. How it manifests, and how bad it is, however, varies tremendously. A simple strain to the lower back, for instance, could send someone to the emergency room, whereas other people experience nothing but discomfort from a degenerating disc. It is important, therefore, to identify the common symptoms of low back pain, so that a diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment is provided.

Common Symptoms of Lower Back Pain:

1. Aching or severe pain in the low back, starting after lifting, sudden movement, or activity

The typical symptoms include:

– Local soreness when you touch the area

– (Potentially severe) muscle spasms

– Dull and achy pain

– Pain that doesn't travel below the knee, but does affect the upper thigh, buttock, or groin

– Restricted movement, sometimes making it impossible to stand or walk

Possible cause: strain of the back muscle.

2. Pain that travels to the foot, leg, and buttock

The typical symptoms include:

– Difficulty moving a foot or leg because of numbness or weakness

– Severe tingling and burning rather than an aching, dull pain

– Pain that worsens after sitting or standing still but gets better with movement

– Usually only felt in one leg or buttock

– Pain that is worse in the foot and leg

– Ongoing pain

Possible cause: sciatica

3. Chronic pain in the lower back, made worse by certain movements and positions

The typical symptoms include:

– Pain is relieved by frequent position changes

– It feels better to walk or run than to stand or sit

– When sitting, the pain gets worse

– The pain can range from severe to nagging, and is chronic

– There is constant low level pain, with periods of several weeks or months with severe muscle spasms and/or pain

Frequent cause: degenerative disease

4. Deep lower back ache made worse when walking or standing

The typical symptoms include:

– Tight hamstrings, which means you can't touch your toes

– Legs feeling tired, with possible tingling or numbness, particularly after walking

– Pain that improves when sitting, particularly when reclined

– Pain that gets worse when you bend backward

– Pain that radiates into the back of the thighs and buttocks (radicular pain or sciatica)

May be caused by: isthmic spondylolisthesis

5. Lower back pain with groin and/or buttock pain

The typical symptoms include:

– Frequently changing positions gives relief.

– Pain is made worse when sitting, but better when reclining or lying down.

– Pain can be felt in the thighs, groin, and hips as well.

– Pain is generally an ache.

Generally caused by: sacroiliac joint disease.