Most of the time, bed bug bites don't require any medical treatment other than what you can provide at home. However, there are some bed bug symptoms to be aware of. If those appear, you will need to seek medical attention straight away. They can be symptomatic of a severe allergic reaction, or of septicemia (blood poisoning), which could have happened as a result of scratching the bite. These symptoms include:

– Wheezing

– Shortness of breath

– Difficulty swallowing and/or tightness in the throat

– Chest pain

– Fainting or dizziness

– Swelling of the tongue or lips

– Full body itchy rash

– Redness around the bedbug bite site that spreads

– Fever

Bed bug Bite Diagnosis

It can be very hard to diagnose a bed bug bite. This is because the most common bed bug symptoms are very similar to those of other insect bites. Healthcare professionals will usually perform a physical examination and ask some detailed questions. Their focus will be on your skin, but they will also examine other areas of the body, particularly if they suspect an allergic reaction or the patient has an infection. There are no imaging studies or blood tests that show whether or not someone was bitten by a bed bug. Bringing a specimen of an insect, however, can be beneficial in making a diagnosis.

Treatment for Bed bug Symptoms:

Generally speaking, there is no need for people to receive any kind of treatment for bed bugs. If treatment is offered, which can usually be purchased over the counter as well, it is designed to relieve the itching or other bed bug symptoms associated with the bites. In very rare cases, people could develop an allergic reaction, or they could start to have an infection. This does need to be properly evaluated and treated by a medical professional.

At Home Treatment Options For Bed Bugs:

Generally speaking, at home treatment will be directed at stopping the itchiness of the bed bug bites. This includes antihistamine pills or creams like Benadryl or diphenhydramine. You can also try to apply a hot cloth or a cold compress to the area of the itch. It is very important that you do not scratch the affected area, as this can lead to an infection.

Usually, there is no required medication for bed bug bites. Over the counter creams and antihistamine are all that is required. If the itching is very severe, a physician may prescribe a topical steroid cream such as hydrocortisone. Antibiotic ointments or tablets may also be prescribed if an infection has taken place, but this is rare. Should someone have a severe allergic reaction, then they may have to have an epinephrine injection, or prescription strength antihistamines or corticosteroids.

The most important form of treatment, however, is to get rid of the bed bug infestation. Without proper control over the spread of the bugs, they will simply continue to feast and spread, growing rapidly in numbers until they almost seem unstoppable. If you don’t get rid of the bugs, they will also continue to bite you. Every bite carries with it a risk of infection, so you must learn to control it.