Bipolar Disorder Warning Signs And Symptoms:

Unlike those of a physical illness, bipolar disorder signs may not be so obvious. Not only are the symptoms difficult to recognize, there are also the many different stereotypes associated with mood disorders that can make someone displaying symptoms deny the existence of a problem or excuse their behavior away rather than face them head on. They may see themselves as moody or physically exhausted when they're in the depressive state or they may be classified as perky or high energy when they're in a manic state. Considering that there are varying degrees of bipolar disorder, it is easy to see why so many may not be able to recognize the real problem when it arises. There are, however, several classic bipolar disorder signs you could identify in yourself or in someone close to you if you know what to look for.


Hypomania is a euphoric state of mind where the person will exude a high level of energy and creativity for a short period of time. People in this state are usually quite enjoyable to be around as they are usually very happy and content with life. This state of mind (sometimes called the manic phase) is difficult to diagnose because affected people may still have a realistic view of their life and have not made a complete break from reality.

Frequently Fails to Complete Things:

A pretty clear sign that someone is bipolar is if they have an endless list of projects that never seem to get done. When they're in the hypomania stage they feel that they can do anything, but it doesn't last long, and when it fades, they become distracted and disillusioned and in the end will not complete the task. They may jump from one project to another with lots of plans but in the end, they will end up walking away with another project to stow away in their closets.


The opposite of the hypomania state is depression. Those who are bipolar will suddenly have a low level of energy, a lack of desire to eat or sleep, and will be unable to concentrate on any type of task at hand. This can also be easily misdiagnosed and the patient may be given a host of antidepressants, which can end up exacerbating the problem. This type of medication could actually trigger another manic episode that could take the patient over the edge in the opposite direction.

There are many bipolar disorder signs that you may see every day but do not recognize as a problem. Often when we're dealing with those we love, we don't see their irritability, fast talking, inability to keep a job, substance abuse, and erratic behavior as a sign that something is wrong. We chalk it up as their "personality" and we tend to overlook them. However, once you know exactly what to look for you can then find ways to get them the help they need. If you suspect that someone's behavior is leaning outside the range of normalcy and you recognize any of these symptoms it is better to err on the side of caution rather than to let it slide. Make an appointment with a physician right away so that they can get the necessary treatment as soon as possible.