What exactly is bipolar disorder? The term “bipolar” has begun to be quite popular within the media and more common among most people. Everyone seems to be suffering from it, but does anyone know what it really means? Bipolar disorder is essentially a mood disorder that is triggered by an imbalance in the brain. A study done recently has actually suggested that about 4% of all people will experience some form of this disorder at some point in their lives.

Bipolar Disorder And Genes:

There are many reasons why bipolar disorder may arise. Some deal with genetics, although all studies have not been conclusive, there is a suggestion that the disorder is associated with genes. Genetic mutations have also been linked to bipolar disorder. Mutations occur with age, so the older the person is, the more at risk they are of this disorder.

Bipolar Disordered Linked To Depression Or Rage:

Generally speaking, bipolar disorder can be linked to two moods, which can be depression or rage. Rage and depression are a normal occurrence within human emotions. The difference is that these emotions are triggered by events or thoughts that seem almost invisible to everyone else. Sometimes the emotions might even occur with no cause whatsoever. Length is another factor that is usually associated with bipolar. When the depression or rage emotion is triggered it does not usually last long, but with someone who has bipolar it may last for quite some time. Sometimes weeks or years in drastic cases. Some who have the disorder may experience quite the opposite, exhibiting frequent mood changes that happen way too quickly. Happy for a moment, and crying the next. According to Psycom, bipolar Disorder is easily confused with depression because it can include depressive episodes. The main difference between the two is that depression is unipolar, meaning that there is no “up” period, but bipolar disorder includes symptoms of mania. (1)

Bipolar Disorder Causes:

Another cause which has been linked with bipolar has been the increase of lateral ventricles or the globus pallidus, as well as white matter called hyperintensities. MRI’s have also found a connection between abnormal modulations in the amygdala with people suffering from this disorder. According to WebMD, experts believe bipolar disorder is partly caused by an underlying problem with specific brain circuits and the functioning of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. (2)

Another contributing factor is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Studies have shown a direct correlation between people who had numerous stressful events throughout their lives. They begin to show symptoms of bipolar disorder. If one event is stressful enough the disorder could be triggered that way too. Some patients have actually began to show symptoms due to a traumatic physical ailments such as a stroke, traumatic brain injury, HIV infection, multiple sclerosis, porphyria, and temporal lobe epilepsy just to name a few.

Bipolar Disorder Phases:

Bipolar comes in four phases, generally speaking, it can be classified under a small ‘d’ which is a less severe depression. It can be classified as a small ‘m’ which stands for a less severe mania or hypomania. If bipolar is classified as a larger letter ‘D’, then you are dealing with severe depression on the same note. If it is classified under a large ‘M’, then you are suffering from severe mania.

Managing Bipolar Disorder:

How can one manage this terrible disorder? There are several ways actually. One should go through psychotherapy, which will try to identify what triggers these emotions and try to lessen the effect. It is much more complicated than that, of course, but that is the essential purpose. According to WebMD, psychotherapy, or “talk” therapy, is an important part of treatment for bipolar disorder. During therapy, you can discuss feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that cause you problems. Talk therapy can help you understand and hopefully master any problems that hurt your ability to function well in your life and career. It also helps you stay on your medication. It can help you maintain a positive self-image. (3) Medication is another way of treating this disorder. The medicine will act as a mood stabilizer by targeting some of the known areas of the brain known to be unbalanced. Bipolar must be treated as quickly as possible, and prevented at all costs because it can be deadly. A victim of this disorder may contemplate suicide if their depression worsens and goes untreated. The horrifying result from an untreated bipolar victim is why it is important to notice the signs early on and get them treated by a professional as quickly as possible.


1.) https://www.psycom.net/depression.central.bipolar.depression.html

2.) https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/guide/bipolar-disorder-causes#1

3.) https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/guide/psychotherapy-bipolar-disorder#1