Not everyone is as excited about becoming a mother. While being sexually active means you always run that risk, there are ways to prevent it if you aren’t ready to have the pitter patter of little feet running through your house. There are several different birth control methods that you can use to help make sure that you won’t be adding to your family any time soon.

Birth Control Pills:

One of the most common birth control methods is the pill. But even if you choose to take birth control pills you still have a lot of options to choose from. One is the combination pill. This pill contains estrogen and progestin in them. They work by suppressing ovulation and by changing the cervical mucus and uterine lining. The progestin-only pill is just as it sounds, has progestin only no estrogen. This pill causes you to not ovulate, thickens the cervical mucus and can keep a fertilized egg from implanting. The final type is the extended-cycle pill. This pill does the same as the other pills except it keeps you from having a period for up to three months, meaning you’ll only have four periods a year. There is no long-term evidence this is safe, nor that it’s dangerous either.

Vaginal Ring:

Another method you may consider is the vaginal ring. Not everyone wants to have to remember to take a little pill every day. The vaginal ring contains hormones similar to those in the combination pill. Simply insert it into your vagina, leave it there for three weeks and then remove it for your normal period. The ring is made of flexible plastic and should not cause you any discomfort. If you feel any discomfort whatsoever, you should visit your doctor.


Diaphragms may sound old school, but for some women they work better than anything. This dome shaped piece of plastic works by blocking the sperm and keeping it from entering the cervix. The diaphragm covers the opening of the cervix. The good part is that you only have to use it when you have intercourse, nothing to remember each day, and there are no hormones. The bad part, you have to remember to use it, must always use spermicide with it, and it has to be fitted first at the doctor’s office.


Condoms are also a popular choice. Similar to the diaphragm, they block sperm from entering the cervix and are often are lined with spermicide. Many couples complain that condoms aren’t comfortable and some men have a hard time performing because they lose the sensation. However, when used appropriately they are an effective means of birth control. They don’t require fitting prior to use and also contain no hormones, so they are a great choice for those who have a problem with the hormones found in traditional birth control methods.


There are many different birth control methods available to couples. IUDs, implants, and sterilization are also options for those who don’t want to get pregnant. For those who aren’t that fond of artificial means of birth control, natural family planning, which includes mapping your cycle is an option, but might not be as effective.