While there is no way to prevent bladder cancer, there are certain risk factors that may play a role in whether or not an individual may develop it. If you are in one of those high-risk categories, the best option for a cure is early detection. For that reason, it is important to know more than the potential risk factors but also the early signs and symptoms of the disease. The sooner it is detected, the better your chances of a successful recovery.

Blood in the Urine:

In the majority of cases of bladder cancer, the first sign that something is wrong is blood in the urine. It may not be easy to identify because the blood could be severely diluted in the urine so that it is not obvious. However, if your urine changes color and has an orange or pink hue, it is likely showing that small amounts of blood may be in the urine.

The appearance of blood is not always consistent. It may appear one day and then disappear for a while. However, look for a recurrence of the blood in urine over time. This is not definitive evidence of bladder cancer but it should be enough to warrant a visit to the doctor to get tested for bladder cancer.

A Change in Bladder Habits:

Most of us tend to urinate on a regular basis. However, if you find that you need more frequent trips to relieve yourself or you experience pain or a burning sensation during urination, it could be an indication that something is wrong. Some people even experience a feeling of urgency to relieve themselves even when their bladder is not full.

Symptoms Associated With Advanced Bladder Cancer:

In more advanced cases, the symptoms will be more severe and can indicate that the cancer has begun to spread to other areas of the body. Watch for cases where you may have difficulty urinating or times when you cannot, no matter how hard you try. More severe cases may also lead to lower back pain or pain on the side. Some may experience sudden weight loss, extreme fatigue, swelling in the feet, and even pain in the bones and joints.

While all of these symptoms can also be associated with other diseases, any one of these should be enough of a warning to get tested for bladder cancer; the only way you can be absolutely sure if you have developed the condition or not.

Testing for Bladder Cancer:

There are several tests that can determine the presence of bladder cancer. Your doctor will likely ask you for your medical and family history and give you a physical examination. The tests may also include lab analysis like urinalysis, urine cytology, urine culture, and urine tumor marker tests. Whatever the case, the best way to get ahead of the disease and reverse its effects is to catch it early. Bladder cancer can be quite serious and if left undetected could easily spread to and compromise other parts of the body. Therefore, the better you are at identifying the symptoms the more likely you'll be able to beat the disease.