Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness, which usually stems from some form of childhood trauma, abandonment, neglect, or abuse. Over time the effects of these childhood occurrences cause a skewed sense of self. Most sufferers of this disorder will at some point think about or attempt suicide, and should be treated as soon as possible. For a look at 7 warning signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, which you should be wary of, read on below.

1. Reckless Behavior

Those who are diagnosed with this personality disorder often act recklessly with their lives, including the lives of others. Unprotected sexual intercourse, drugs, large quantities of alcohol, driving under the influence, and getting into physical fights, are some of the ways that these individuals act recklessly. Sometimes it is simply because they feel their lives aren't worth protecting, but at other times it is due to impulsivity issues.

2. Lack of Empathy

One of the 7 warning signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder which help explain some of the things these individuals due is lack of empathy. Most of the time this is because of poor treatment in the past, abuse, or abandonment, which has made it difficult for sufferers to form real relationships or understand others.

3. Feelings of Depression

Low self-esteem and inability to properly deal with their past, and a lack of skills to cope with the future often leaves those diagnose with this disorder depressed and lonely. Borderline personality disorder patients are at high risk for suicide, and should be monitored during times of depression.

4. Low Self-Esteem

Because of the negative impact of their pasts, BPD patients suffer from low self-esteem and a skewed sense of self. This makes them feel unworthy of love, and contributes to feelings of depression and antisocial behavior.

5. Fear of Abandonment

BPD patients hate to be alone but have difficulty forming lasting romantic relationships. They are often clingy, and terrified of being abandoned. This fear can become desperate at times and is exacerbated by emotions from the past.

6. Poor Social Skills

Along with being unable to form strong and lasting emotional bonds with significant others, BPD patients often have poor social skills and tend to avoid social situations when they can. They may come off as awkward or aggressive, which makes others think twice about befriending them.

7. Impulsivity

Finally, impulsivity is a prominent sign for borderline personality disorder. It both causes and is caused by some of the other symptoms of the disorder, and accounts for much of the aggressive and reckless behavior they exhibit. Being impulsive may have to do with developmental delays, as well as a lack of empathy toward others and a low sense of self-worth.

Treatment for BPD usually includes psychotherapy, or talk therapy, although some of the symptoms, such as anxiety and depression can be treated with medication. It is not common to find somebody with borderline personality disorder who takes regular medication because of their high suicide risk.

For more information on the 7 warning signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and treatment options, speak to your doctor.