Dealing with a borderline personality disorder can be one of the most difficult things you can do. Those who suffer from it often have difficulty distinguishing between what's real and what's their own created perception of the world around them. There are many ways that the condition can be treated but to find the best treatment options to help manage borderline personality disorder you need to get a better understanding of what it is.

Those who have BPD often see things as only black and white. There are no variations of emotions. Therefore some people may be perceived as caring and understanding at one time but as soon as something goes wrong, they may then be perceived as against them, transforming them into mortal enemies. According to many research studies there are four methods that have been considered to be the best treatment options to help manage borderline personality disorder. They are psychotherapy, hospitalization, medications, and self-help.


Of all the treatment options, psychotherapy seems to be the most effective. It has been very helpful in curbing suicidal thoughts and helping the patient get in touch with reality. The most effective form of psychotherapy is what's called Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which combines crisis intervention with Eastern philosophies. The treatment focuses on building up the patients’ capability for acceptance and tolerance of negative emotions so they can better control their lives. It includes exercises that improve self-knowledge, how to control emotions, and cognitive restructuring while at the same time teaching them to acknowledge their own destructive tendencies.


In crisis situations, hospitalization may be the only option. Inpatient treatment can be a combination of medication and psychotherapy at the same time. This is usually the case in extreme situations. There is also long-term care within the hospital setting for about three to four weeks. This may include highly structured environments, which gradually attempt to give the patients back their independence.


In cases of deep psychoses, small doses of anti-psychotic drugs may be prescribed. These can be helpful in bringing balance to a patient's thought processes, which may be bringing on the psychotic episodes. Doctors may also prescribe antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications in the treatment program as well.

Self Help:

There are many different self-help methods for treatment that may prove effective. There is, however, a bit of controversy surrounding patients who are trying to help themselves without the aid of a support group. Nevertheless, patients can seek out support groups within their own community to help them navigate through the turbulent emotions they are experiencing. Through these support groups they can learn new coping skills to help them to regulate their emotions so that they are better equipped to handle new and perhaps healthier social relationships.

There are many different ways to treat BPD but the best treatment options to help manage borderline personality disorder are usually the ones that have been found to work for that particular patient. Every person is different and therefore the success rate will vary from one to the other. However, with persistence you will be able to find a treatment method that will work for a particular situation.