One thing to remember if you are concerned about the possibility of having breast cancer, is that everyone’s breasts are different. Your breasts can change with age and may even appear to be different at different times of the month. It’s important to become familiar with the normal state of your breasts so that it is easier to determine if you are experiencing any unusual changes. If you do see any changes in your breasts, then you should have them checked immediately by your doctor.

Finding out about breast cancer symptoms and signs will help you to understand exactly what you should be watching for. For instance, lumps are particularly vital to watch for, and many women find that the first sign that they experience is a lump in their breast tissue. On the other hand, many women have breast lumps that are not cancerous, and there are a range of other symptoms to consider too.

Considering Breast Lumps in General

While the first symptom for most females is the presence of a lump within the breast, many women discover lumps that are not cancerous. Most benign breast lumps are areas that are simply normal lumpiness due to a period, cysts, or fibroadenomas. Speaking to your doctor should be able to put your mind at ease. Similarly, breast pain is a very common thing to experience, and doesn’t necessarily have to be a sign of cancer. Many women discover that their breasts feel tender around a period, and some benign breast lumps can be painful too.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer to Look Out For

Some changes to the size of your breasts that can occur due to cancer may include a change to the feel or shape of a breast; a new thickening or lump in an armpit or breast; changes to the skin, such as dimpling, puckering, or rashes; and fluid leakage from the nipple of a woman who isn’t breast feeding or pregnant.

Once again, all of these signs don’t always indicate the presence of cancer. Nipple issues, and leaking fluid can all be signs of other conditions. But if you experience changes to what is new for you, then you should see your health care practitioner. Seeing your doctor can mean that you can treat the issue regardless of whether it turns out to be a sign of breast cancer or not.

Other Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Keep in mind that when you’re examining the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, a rare form of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer might lead to different symptoms. In these cases, the entire breast may appear to be inflamed or red, and quite sore. Your breast may also feel hard, and the skin could look like like a citrus peel due to the fact that the pores are standing out around an inflamed area. Similarly, another form of rare cancer shows as a rash that occurs around and on the nipple. This type of breast cancer is known as Paget’s disease, and it can be both itchy and scaly.