Bulimia is an eating disorder whereby affected individuals eat large quantities of food, which is called binging, and then they try purge it or get it out of their system, usually through induced vomiting. The disorder usually stems from anxiety issues and low self-esteem. Bulimics often feel like binging and purging is the only thing they can control in their lives, and once it starts, it can be a very difficult habit to break. Bulimia is usually treated with therapy and rehabilitation tactics, but there are some measures you can use to prevent it from worsening. For 9 natural ways to help prevent bulimia, read on below.

1. Eat Fresh

When bulimic people binge, they often feel immediate feelings of guilt and shame, and want to eradicate that by purging. This guilt could intensify if the foods you are eating are recognized as being unhealthy, or loaded with fat and processed ingredients. By eating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates, you will not only be filling your body with good things and feeling fuller faster, but the natural nutrients and vitamins you get from these ingredients may help with anxiety as well.

2. Cooking Classes

Taking a cooking class can help you better understand the ingredients that you are using. By learning to cook, you will come to respect the food and the process, and may be able to channel some of that need for control into a new hobby.

3. Drink Water

Water is such an important part of the human experience, and most people don't get enough of it. Drinking water aids in digestion, and helps you to feel fuller faster. To avoid the binging process, fill up on large quantities of water.

4. Get Some Rest

When you sleep your body regenerates, heals, grows, and gives your brain a much-needed break. Individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders often feel even more stress when they are overtired.

5. Take Your Vitamins

If you aren't getting enough vitamin B, D, C, A, K, potassium, magnesium, and other necessary daily vitamins and nutrients, consider taking a daily supplement. Vitamin deficiencies are not only a problem physically, but can affect you mentally as well. Fighting anxiety and urges of bulimia is easier when your brain is functioning at its best.

6. Learn to Meditate

Meditation is a great way to de-stress and it has been reported to help with depression, which is often a symptom of eating disorders. Taking time away for yourself, even just ten minutes a day, to reflect on the choices you make, and relax, can greatly improve your feelings of self-worth.

7. Exercise Regularly

The underlying cause of almost any eating disorder is to lose weight, whether you physically need to or not. By exercising regularly, and in healthy quantities, you can help keep your body in shape, raise energy levels, and boost self-esteem.

8. Find a Buddy

It's never easy to deal with emotional, mental, or physical turmoil alone. Find a friend who is either going through the same problems, or who is willing to listen and be a shoulder to lean on.

9. Speak to a Nutritionist

Finally, one of the most important of the 9 natural ways to help prevent bulimia, is to speak to a nutritionist. Learn how important proper nutrition is to your system, and what bulimia can do to your body and mind. Understanding what you should be putting into your body can decrease the urge to binge and purge.

For more information on these 9 natural ways to help prevent bulimia, and to better understand whether they are suitable for you, speak to your doctor.