The symptoms of cervical cancer are, unfortunately, not very obvious. Furthermore, you can experience the most common cervical cancer symptoms without actually having cancer. It is very important, therefore, that you get to know the symptoms and watch out for them, particularly because they can easily go by unnoticed. Too often, women don't notice the symptoms until the cancer has reached the advanced stages, at which point treatment becomes very difficult. This is why it is also so important that you are screened properly and regularly.

Most Common Cervical Cancer Symptoms That Are Noticeable:

1. Abnormal bleeding, which includes light and heavy bleeding outside of the regular menstrual period. Bleeding after intercourse is also classed as abnormal bleeding. Similarly, if a woman starts bleeding after menopause, this could also be a sign.

2. Pain in the pelvic area, particularly when there is no link to the regular menstrual cycle. This can be a dull ache or a sharp pain, and usually lasts for several hours.

3. Pain while urinating, or pain in the bladder. This usually is a symptom of advanced stage cervical cancer, and it happens when the cancer has spread to the bladder itself. In these cases, there are usually issues with the passage from the ureter or the kidneys, making it more difficult to urinate. It may also seem as if there is fecal matter in the vagina. This is because it can lead to abnormal bleeding in the bladder or rectum, which then passes through the vagina.

The most common cervical cancer symptoms of all, however, revolve around abnormal bleeding. This can happen after pelvic examinations, douching, sexual intercourse, or at any time between the regular menstrual periods. This happens due to an irritation of the cervix. It is often an overlooked symptom as well, as abnormal bleeding can happen very regularly in many different cases. If, however, the bleeding is heavy, there is reason to believe that there is something going on that requires further investigation.

In fact, a heavy discharge that is not usual is often a sign to worry about. Some women experience a very sticky, thick, and watery discharge. It also often has an unpleasant odor that is different from that of any other vaginal discharge.

If you do have any vaginal discharge that is unusual in any way, you must speak to your doctor. While women have varying regularities when it comes to their menstrual cycle, if that cycle starts to change in any way, it is important to speak to a doctor as soon as possible. Any change, whether it is sudden and heavy bleeding or sudden and light bleeding, or bleeding more regularly or less regularly, are all possible symptoms of cervical cancer. A final symptom to be aware of is sudden weight loss, without trying to lose weight. Cervical cancer is often called a silent killer because symptoms do not present themselves until advanced stages. This is why it is so important that you get to know your own body.