Diet is one of the most essential parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When trying to have healthy cholesterol levels in the body, diet is one of the easiest and fastest ways to ensure that the cholesterol in your body is not at a dangerously high level. Not only does eating foods that are low in bad cholesterol lower the risk of having cholesterol related health issues, but it also helps people maintain a healthy weight. If a person is at a healthy weight, they also lower the chances of any health issues that come along with being overweight. By adding these 5 delicious and nutritious foods to your diet, you could be lowering cholesterol levels, and getting a good start on a healthy life.

1.) Avocados

Avocados are quickly becoming the world’s new super fruit. They provide an immense amount of vitamins that are helpful to the body, along with making one of the world’s best sides for chips. Avocados have a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat that could help raise HDL cholesterol while also lowering the bad LDL level. They also contain beta-sitosterol, which is a plant-based fat that reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Make some guacamole and don’t worry about your cholesterol rates skyrocketing.

2.) Beans

People are always told that if they don’t get enough meat, they can get a lot of protein from beans. Beans also help lower cholesterol as well, making them a wonderful addition to any diet. They have an abundance of fiber, which has been shown to slow the absorption rate of cholesterol in certain foods. Also, a study has shown that by adding 1/2 a cup of beans to a diet lowers total cholesterol, including the bad LDL, by 8%. Kidney, black or pinto beans can supply about 1/3 of daily fiber needs.

3.) Salmon And Other Fatty Fish

Fish has always been a healthy way to go when thinking of diet. Salmon and other fatty fish contain omega-3 fats, which have been proven to help prevent heart disease, along with many other diseases. By replacing saturated fats with omega-3s found in fish, you can raise good cholesterol up to 4%. This will make the body happy and healthier in more ways than just helping the cholesterol levels in the body.

4.) Oats

Oats have always been a healthy alternative to many horribly sugary breakfast options, and now they show another benefit in lowering cholesterol. Oats have beta-glucan, which is a substance that absorbs the bad cholesterol LDL, and then the body exerts that bad cholesterol. By including two servings of oats a week in your breakfast routine, LDL cholesterol can be reduced by 5.3% in just 6 weeks. In addition, you can sweeten your oatmeal with cinnamon, or mix it with fresh fruit to make it less bland.

5.) Garlic

Garlic can spice up almost any dish in the right way, and now you can feel good about adding it to any meal throughout the day, as it has been proven to help fight bad cholesterol. Garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, protect against infection, and reduce blood pressure. It has also been found to help stop plaque that causes artery clogging. It stops clogging in the early stages by keeping bad cholesterol particles from sticking to artery walls.