You needn't be an expert in nutrition to understand that it's probably a bad idea to eat hamburgers and fries for every meal as they are high cholesterol foods. Fast food, in particular, tends to be loaded with fat, cholesterol, and sodium – although most of us don't really know how much. In spite of this, it's difficult for many consumers to understand just how damaging a high-cholesterol diet can actually be. Too much cholesterol can put you at risk of numerous bodily problems, including higher risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. The following are just some of the high cholesterol foods that you should do your best to avoid (or at least eat less of).

1.) Liver

Though it is often commended for being high in iron, liver is not always healthy for everyone. Because this organ is the part of the body responsible for producing cholesterol, and where that waxy substance is created and stored, experts often advise people to stay away from it if they're trying to watch their cholesterol levels. In general, the highest concentrate levels of cholesterol in all animals is found in organ meat.

2.) Muffins

Muffins can be a healthy choice for breakfast depending on how they are made, and the ingredients that are used within them. For instance, eating a whole-wheat, low-fat bran muffin can be a great way to boost your health without having to worry about too many calories. However, muffins made at home are often filled with eggs, milk, and other treats that can raise your cholesterol levels.

3.) Margarine

In the past, margarine has been seen as a healthier alternative to butter, but these days we recognize it as having just as much potential cholesterol. Research from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that certain kinds of margarine – especially hard stick options, were worse on the heart than butter, because they contained much larger amounts of trans-fats.

4.) Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn can either be good or bad for your diet – depending on how you prepare it. Microwave popcorn that is loaded with oil, salt and butter obviously isn't much of a healthy choice, and can add significantly to your cholesterol level. On the other hand, butter-free, unsalted popcorn can be a great way to lower your cholesterol.

5.) Baked Commercial Goods

Snacks like cookies, cupcakes, and regular cakes can be a delightful treat when you're looking for something sweet. However, if you're trying to avoid high cholesterol foods in the first place, then you should stay away from these items as they are often filled with trans fats and can contribute to your high cholesterol level.

6.) Hamburgers

A number one favorite when it comes to American foods, hamburgers make up a staple of the summer diet, and can go on being popular all year around. Often, when you're in need of a quick lunch, fast food can seem like the perfect solution. However, you should think twice before indulging, as these items are loaded with cholesterol – perhaps more so than anything else on the menu.