Along with a healthy diet and a good amount of exercise, there are many vitamins and supplements on the market to take in order to help lower cholesterol. Since more 103 million Americans struggle with high levels of cholesterol in their diet, it is important to know which vitamins and supplements can help ease their worry, and lower the levels of cholesterol in their body. Many people forget to take their vitamins on a daily basis, and by adding vitamins to your daily routine can really improve not only your cholesterol levels, but it can help create an overall healthy body and lifestyle as well.

There are many vitamins and supplements on the market that claim to help lower cholesterol, or to help the body maintain a healthy amount of cholesterol. However, not every single one works as well as they claim, and some of these products may not actually be good for your body if you have certain allergies. Your body also may react differently to specific supplements. Make sure you consult with your doctor before starting to take any type of medication, vitamin, or supplement to make sure it is right for you.

Psyllium is a fiber vitamin that can be great to take if you do not get enough fiber in your diet, or you cannot absorb enough fiber from the food you eat. Fiber helps the body process the cholesterol that is in the body, and will take it where it needs to go. However, this medicine could cause constipation if you do not also increase your water intake along with taking the vitamin.

Soy protein supplements can help lower the total amount of LDL cholesterol levels in the body, even if only slightly. You do still need protein if you have high cholesterol, however it is not recommended that you get it from red meats, because they are not good for a diet that is high in cholesterol. Instead, try getting proteins from these soy protein supplements, as well as soy-based products in the supermarket.

Fish oil supplements supply the heart with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which can help raise good cholesterol in the body. It also is incredibly heart healthy, which is helpful for people with high cholesterol, since heart problems are a main side effect of high cholesterol. To prevent fishy burps, eat food with this vitamin, and make sure to keep them in the fridge so they do not go bad. 

Sterols and Stanols are plant-based substances that are found in a small amount of plant foods. Many people do not get the correct amount of sterols/stanols in a day, so taking a supplement will help get you to that level. These supplements can help significantly reduce the level of the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Taking a daily multivitamin can also be incredibly helpful, especially if you do not feel comfortable taking many medications/vitamins, or if you have an allergy to certain types of cholesterol lowering medications. Multivitamins provide many essential nutrients, including fiber, which, if taken on a regular basis, will make the body healthier over time, and lowering the risk of high cholesterol problems.