Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by a constant feeling of sleepiness, and an inability to rejuvenate or feel energized throughout the day or night. Individuals with the disorder often have trouble sleeping, but even when they are fully rested they can feel completely exhausted. Small amounts of exercise or mental strain can bring on a full day of exhaustion.

Currently the exact reasons for this disorder are unknown, which makes it more difficult to treat. Some research point toward nutritional deficiencies, viral infections, and genetic predisposition. In order to find the best treatment options to help manage chronic fatigue syndrome, you must first pinpoint the cause of the symptoms you wish to treat.

Exclusion Dieting:

One of the first ways your physician will suggest you cope with chronic fatigue syndrome is to try an exclusion diet, which cuts out different foods, which could be suspected as allergens. At the beginning of the diet, you may be asked to remove gluten, dairy, eggs, citrus, nuts, soy, and other ingredients from your diet all together. Over time you will add one ingredient in, and test your body's reaction to the foods to determine which one you have a sensitivity to and why it's causing you to feel so tired all the time.

Regular Sleep Patterns:

Individuals with this syndrome often have trouble sleeping through the night, which is why one of the best treatment options to help manage chronic fatigue syndrome is creating a regulated sleep schedule. Your biological clock is designed to react to signals it feels throughout the day. Everything from the sun coming up to your house becoming dark at night can change the way that your body feels about wakefulness and sleep. Try to make a schedule for dinner, hygiene, and bedtime, and stick to it for at least a month. Going to bed at the same time every night might be hard at first, but it will help your body regulate itself.


One of the more traditional approaches that is one of best treatment options to help manage chronic fatigue syndrome is acupuncture. This is where tiny needles are pushed into the skin at surface level to retrieve different reactions based on the stimulation of different body parts. Certain regions of the body are thought to hold the power to relaxation, focus, and wakefulness. This type of treatment has been used for hundreds of years to treat a myriad of problems.


Eventually your doctor may suggest using pills or other medications to reduce symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Antidepressants and sleeping pills will be prescribed in moderation, to use as needed, and should be monitored throughout usage. Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers can go quite a long time without a full night sleep, making it difficult to focus throughout the day. Medication must be taken in proper dosages, and patients should be awake and able to account for each treatment.

For more information on chronic fatigue syndrome and how it can be treated, speak to your doctor. There's still plenty to be learned about this condition, but ongoing research provides hope to those who regularly deal with its symptoms.