Pain experts believe that it may not be possible for people to really stop experiencing chronic pain. However, chronic pain treatment does exist to significantly increase quality of life and to enable people to live comfortably again. Different forms of treatment exist, and most people with pain will use a number of them at various points in their lives.

Chronic Pain Treatment Options:

The list of treatment options for chronic pain is quite long. Physicians will usually try a combination of different therapies, changing them as and when necessary, to ensure that a patient gets the best effect. Interestingly, some treatments may actually cause more pain initially. This happens when the pain has caused the patient to become inactive, meaning that strength and flexibility have been significantly reduced. However, as the treatment starts to take effect, pain should become less and quality of life should improve.

The initial form of chronic pain treatment will depend on how bad the pain is, where it is present, and how long the patient has been suffering from it. Initially, the most common forms of treatment are:

1. To have more exercise
2. To make lifestyle and dietary changes
3. To get more and better quality sleep
4. To use medication

Examples of Chronic Pain Treatment:

Some commonly used treatment methods are:

1. Analgesics, or painkillers. They stop the brain from sending or receiving pain signals. Additionally, they may change the way in which the brain interprets a pain signal. An analgesic is not an anesthetic, however, which means it does not lead to loss of consciousness. Sometimes, analgesics have harmful effects and significant side effects, as well as contraindications. Hence, patients should always discuss their current medication, including over the counter and herbal remedies, as well as their experiences with their prescription, with their physician.

2. Antidepressants. They help to relieve pain and to relax the muscles. Furthermore, people with chronic pain often suffer from a mild depression.

3. Anti-migraine medication. This is offered if the chronic pain is that of migraines. These drugs have significant side effects and should only be used under supervision.

4. Topical medication. Various creams with medication or natural products can be applied to areas where pain is experienced.

5. Electrotherapy. There is significant evidence that electrical currents can help to reduce pain. The current is directed at the nerves where the pain is experienced. Some examples of electrotherapy include TENS, interferential current, microcurrent therapy, and galvanic stimulation. All of these work in different ways. Some can be used as at home remedies, such as TENS, whereas others must be applied by a trained and qualified specialist, often a physiotherapist.

6. Nerve block injections. These are anesthetic medication that are injected directly into the nerve where the pain is experienced. Usually, these injections last for a few days, after which the pain will return. They are usually offered so that people can start physical therapy.

7. Trigger point injections. These are similar to nerve block injections, but not as strong. However, they don’t work for everybody.