Viral gastroenteritis, also known as the common stomach flu, can be extremely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, at present, there is no one treatment or fix-all that can cure the disorder and offer full relief from its symptoms. There are, however, a number of choices for stomach flu treatment which can help offer some relief in one form or another.

Finding a stomach flu treatment that works for you will depend on the symptoms that you feel. These will most commonly include headache, fever, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and muscle aches and pain.

Things To Avoid

One way to treat your stomach bug is by avoiding the things that will make it worse. This usually means steering clear of dairy products and coffee. In fact, most doctors will suggest that when you are vomiting, drinking clear liquid is best. Sometimes, sports drinks are also suggested due to the high electrolyte count.

Any food or drink that usually makes your bowels move is also off limits, so trying to drink or eat anything high in fibre will have poor results. Instead, a nice hot ginger or peppermint tea can help control the nausea that accompanies this viral infection.

Sleep It Off

If you are seeking some kind of stomach flu treatment, then this is the perfect opportunity to call in sick and stay home in bed. Sleeping is a great way to beat the bug, by giving your body the opportunity to regain some strength and put your immune system to work in fighting the virus.

If you are having trouble sleeping, you may want to take a little something before drifting off. There is a large selection of over the counter remedies for upset stomachs, including the pink stuff created by many brands on the market. Bismuth subsalicylate is known to reduce flu symptoms by halting diarrhea and settling feelings of nausea. Taking this before laying down to sleep can settle your tummy and give your body the chance it needs to fall asleep.

Eat Light

Most people suffering from the stomach flu won't want to look at any food, much less eat it. If you are going to eat it is best to stick to the plainest of ingredients. Soda crackers, dry white toast, bananas and apple sauce can help fill your stomach with the highest chance of settling it down. The toast and crackers are very plain, while the banana and applesauce provide some much needed nutrients to your deprived system.

Try not to eat anything salty, spicy, or heavy. When you are sick, comfort foods like homemade mac and cheese or chicken pot pie might seem like a good idea for the moment, but when that next wave of nausea hits it will likely be worse. Heavy, greasy, and creamy foods can hit your stomach hard, sometimes curdling against the stomach acid and making you feel even worse.

Eating light does not mean having a small salad either. Foods which are high in fiber can also have a negative effect on your belly, making your digestive tract work overtime and causing more diarrhea rather than less.