Before discussing the benefits of breathing treatment for COPD, it’s worth knowing more about the details of this disease. COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a condition wherein the airways that lead to the lungs may become obstructed or damaged making it particularly difficult for air to move in and out as it should. There are two primary forms of damage that can lead to the issue of COPD in a person’s system, and these include the airways of the lungs becoming narrowed and scars, and the air sacs in the lungs becoming damaged.

What’s more, COPD is regularly associated with inflamed airways that can lead to coughing and the excess production of phlegm. When the damage is severe, it can become increasingly difficult for a patient to get enough oxygen into their blood, which leads to discomfort and shortage of breath. Unfortunately, the symptoms of COPD can never be completely removed through breathing treatment for COPD or any other method. However, some solutions can help to control symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

Types of Breathing Treatment for COPD:


Treatments that can help improve breathing for people with COPD can range from medications that help to open the airways, such as bronchodilators, to direct oxygen therapy. Bronchodilators, for example, are often the mainstay treatment for COPD as they help to decrease secretions and keep airways open. These treatments are given in the form of an inhaler through a measured dose that sends the medication directly to the lungs.

Oxygen Therapy:

On the other hand, people with particularly advanced cases of COPD may have low blood oxygen levels, and therefore may need a more dramatic form of treatment. The condition wherein oxygen blood levels are particularly low is known as hypoxemia, and it can occur even if the person in question isn’t suffering from symptoms like shortness of breath. People with hypoxemia often benefit significant from oxygen therapy, which improves their quality of life and helps to reduce the discomfort they may feel as part of their condition.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation:

Another breathing treatment for COPD comes in the form of pulmonary rehabilitation, a program which can include a number of steps, such as social support, exercise training, education, and instruction on breathing techniques that can reduce feelings of breathlessness. Even people who suffer from particularly harsh shortness of breath symptoms may be able to benefit from taking part in a pulmonary rehabilitation program.

Stop Smoking!

Finally, when combined with other forms of treatment, one of the most important things people with COPD can do to reduce the severity of their symptoms and increase the quality of their life is to stop smoking. Although stopping smoking can be difficult, numerous studies of people who suffer with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have shown that the disease is likely to progress faster in people who refuse to quit the habit. On the other hand, people who stop smoking produce less phlegm, and often cough less too, although it can sometimes take a couple of months to see the results fully.