Depression can affect any person of any age at anytime. Depression is a very confusing disorder to understand, and many people who have it do not understand why some people have it and others do not. It is hard for people who have depression to feel like they are sad for no reason, and they want to understand why they are feeling this way. Sometimes, understanding the way a disorder works, or what causes it can make them be able to cope with it better. Although depression can be incredibly difficult to deal with, it can be vital to understand why the symptoms are affecting you, no matter what the cause. If you experience any of the causes, you will be better able to recognize symptoms, as well as get treatment before the disorder takes over.

There are quite a few factors that can increase the chance of someone having depression. One of these is abuse. Whether it is physical, sexual or emotional abuse, the past experience can cause depression later in life. Another cause of depression is conflict. People who have a biological vulnerability to depression often develop it when they are experiencing personal conflicts with friends or family. Major events can even lead to depression. This does not only have to be bad events, like losing a job, getting divorced or moving. It can be good events, too. Graduating, getting a new job, and even getting married can lead to depression because you are going through a major change. Other changes or personal problems may trigger depression as well, like losing a friend or being cast out of a family or social group. If there is a death or a loss of someone near you, you could develop depression. Grief and sadness over the loss of a loved one is natural, but it could lead to depression.

Besides events in person’s life, there are other factors that can lead to the development of depression. Certain drugs can increase the risk of depression. Some of these drugs are: Accutane, interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids. If you take any of these medications, you should talk to your doctor about the chance of developing depression. If a person has a serious illness, sometimes depression can exist alongside the illness, or it can be a reaction to the illness. People with substance abuse problems are also at a higher risk of developing depression. Nearly 30% of people with these problems also have depression.

Genetics also plays a role in the development of depression. If your family has a history of depression, it increases the risk of development of the disorder. Depression is a complex trait that can be inherited across generations, and are not straightforward like many other genetic diseases. If someone in your family has had depression, you should be on high alert and look out for symptoms of depression.

Having a chronic illness can also cause depression. Illnesses like HIV/AIDs, heart disease, arthritis and diabetes can be controlled by certain medications and lifestyle changes, but being in pain a majority of the time, and having the stress of an illness on your mind everyday can lead a person to be sad and develop depression. This is especially true for people with chronic illnesses that cause them to have to miss out on social interactions.

Whatever the cause of your depression is, it is important not to give up hope. There are many treatments and options to aid you through depression, and make life a bit easier. Knowing what caused the depression and understanding what is happening to your body can be beneficial in dealing with this disorder.