Diabetes is one of the largest growing diseases across the world. 29 million people in the United States alone have diabetes, which means that about 9.3% of the population of the U.S. has diabetes. Diabetes can be a costly disease as well, between all of the doctor appointments, medicines and supplies that a diabetic person requires. With all of these things, a person with diabetes can fall victim to finances more so than the disease itself. However, it is important that diabetics have the supplies needed because it can help manage their diabetes. If people with diabetes have access to these supplies, they could be alerted early to any problem that may come up before they become a major problem.

There are many diabetic supplies that a person needs in order to help manage their diabetes. These supplies include, but are not limited to: blood sugar test strips, blood sugar testing monitors, insulin, therapeutic shoes or inserts, and many others. Some insurance companies cover the costs of these items, and others do not. Many stores that are found locally can provide many of these supplies at a lower cost to the patient rather than going through a doctor and spending more money.

Having these supplies can really help manage diabetes. Therapeutic shoes and inserts help with the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers, and make for a more comfortable walking experience. This lessens the chance of anything going wrong with diabetic foot ulcer issues within diabetes patients who have a job that requires them to be on their feet for long hours. By having this supply, people are cutting their risk of problems related to these ulcers down quite a bit, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Having blood sugar test strip and blood sugar testing monitors can really lessen the risk of any problems that a diabetic patient may have. With these supplies, patients will be able to track their blood sugar levels on a regular basis. If they see anything that concerns them, they can address the problem right away, whether that is getting more food into their system, or a different solution. If they see any irregular patterns in their blood sugar level, they can go to their doctor and address the problem before it gets any worse. This helps regulate the amount of times that the blood sugar levels are tested, rather than only going to the doctor to do it, which can cost more money in the long run.

Insulin is important for any diabetic patient to have on hand. Insulin helps control blood sugar levels in people who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The goal of insulin is to keep the blood sugar level in a normal range as much as possible. With both the insulin and the blood sugar testing supplies, a diabetic patient can monitor their levels and take insulin when needed, ensuring their health as time goes on. With access to these supplies, diabetes can be managed much more thoroughly than ever before, making the disease much more manageable as a whole.