Diarrhea is a very unpleasant condition. Usually, it is of a temporary nature, but it can also be more chronic, particularly if it is caused by food allergies, Crohn’s disease, or irritable bowel syndrome. Generally, diarrhea itself is not dangerous. However, it may be caused by something more serious such as food poisoning, and it can also lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration, if not properly treated. If you have diarrhea, therefore, it is important that you find out how to stop it as well. Diet is a key player in both causing and stopping diarrhea, which is why everyone should be aware of the food list to stop diarrhea, and the list of foods you should avoid.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea:

There are many, many foods that you should avoid if you have diarrhea, or are still recovering from it. This is because many foods are irritants to the digestive system, making diarrhea worse or making it last longer. If you have a stomach upset, therefore, you should avoid:

  • All dairy products, including milk and milk-based protein. If you must have dairy, it should be low fat and preferably a probiotic yogurt
  • Anything greasy, fried, or fatty
  • Anything spicy
  • Anything processed, and particularly if it also contains any additives
  • Veal and pork
  • Sardines
  • Rhubarb
  • Raw vegetables
  • Corn
  • Onions
  • Any kind of citrus fruit, but also fruits such as grapes, currants, figs, seeded berries, cherries, and pineapples
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated and/or caffeinated drinks
  • Sorbitol and other artificial sweeteners

Food List to Stop Diarrhea and Other Remedies:

The food list to stop diarrhea is remarkably short. It is known as the BRAT diet, which stands for Bananas, Rice (white), Applesauce, Toast. These are all very bland, boring foods, but they contain just enough salt to ensure you are able to replenish your lost minerals, just enough sugars to ensure your body can absorb the salt, and just enough potassium to make sure you don’t dehydrate.

While the food list is very short, there are many other remedies to help you stop diarrhea. Most of those are available as over the counter remedies and focus strongly on maintaining your fluid levels. You may be able to purchase anti-diarrheal medication, for instance, with Pepto-Bismol being the most famous. Some people find that their diarrhea stops altogether by taking this.

Sometimes, however, you may find that the diarrhea is persistent. Usually, this is because you have a bacterial infection or, in worse cases, a parasite. That will need to be treated properly, through anti-parasitic and/or antibiotic medication. If you find that your diarrhea does not clear up within a few days and that there is blood in your stools, or that you have severe stomach cramps, then it is important to see a physician to have this looked at. Should you find yourself completely dehydrated, you may have to be admitted to hospital in order to receive fluids intravenously. Often, you will then also receive electrolytes to ensure that you do not become malnourished as a result of your condition.