There are different types of eating disorders, most of which are associated with the desire to severely restrict the consumption of food. But, what causes eating disorders and how are they treated?

Most eating disorders stem from some sort of body-image issue and poor self-esteem. The most prominent sufferers of this kind of condition are women, although it is not a gender specific condition, and many men also have eating disorders. Having low self-esteem in regards to body image can cause an individual to regulate eating habits in order to lose weight, feel something, gain control over an aspect of life, or as a form of self-punishment.

Lesser Known Causes of Eating Disorders:

While poor body image is among the top reasons many will develop some type of eating disorder, it is not the only cause. Some men and women are born with hormone irregularities, while others have nutritional deficiencies which affect eating. There are also environmental factors to consider, such as emotional distress, abusive relationships, trouble at home with the family dynamic, peer pressure and extreme cultural norms, as well as pressure due to sports and enhanced performance tactics.

Sometimes an eating disorder starts out as a way to maintain healthy weight and develops into something uncontrollable, while at other times it is unable to be controlled from the start.

Types of Eating Disorders:

To truly understand what causes eating disorders and how are they treated, you must first learn about the different types of disorders. The two most commonly recognized eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia involves an obsession over weight gain, which causes sufferers to limit food intake or stop eating all together. Bulimia nervosa, usually involves out of control binge eating episodes which are promptly followed by purging via vomiting to control weight gain.

Lesser known eating disorders include binge eating disorder, which is like bulimia, but removes the act of purging. Symptoms of the disease include feelings of shame following an eating episode. Purging disorder, is also like bulimia, but, it only involves the act of purging, and not the act of binging which precedes it. Night eating syndrome and ruminating disorder may also affect those suffering from self-esteem issues, or dealing with confusing emotions from the past.


The treatment for eating disorders usually begins with therapy and nutritional support. For severe cases, in-house rehabilitation may be required to remove the ability to binge, purge, or restrict food consumption. Eating disorder clinics of this kind are safe places, which come equipped with nurses and/or doctors to help with the healing journey. Determining the underlying cause for the disease is the first step in treating it.

Learning how to maintain a healthy body with proper nutrition and regular exercise is helpful for those who suffer from eating disorders, but it won't fix the mental portion of the disorder which causes individuals to have such skewed self-images. Sometimes mood enhancing medications are used to fight feelings of anxiety or depression during the treatment period.

If you are curious about what causes eating disorders and how are they treated because of personal uncontrolled restriction, binging, or purging, contact your doctor. There is treatment available to you, and you are not alone. Many individuals who suffer from eating disorders can regain healthy lives by undergoing appropriate treatment.