Having eczema can cause many problems in a person’s everyday life. The patches on the skin can itch, and when they are scratched they can bleed and become painful. Eczema can also cause blisters that can bleed can cause pain. Along with the pain can cause embarrassment, too. Having patches of eczema on the skin may cause people to avoid social situations where their skin may be exposed, and they may have to choose different clothing choices to cover the patches. Although living with eczema can be hard, there are ways to avoid any embarrassment and pain. Along with treatment options given by your doctor, there are some ways of managing your eczema without medications, creams, and ointments. Living with eczema can be difficult, but knowing what steps to take to live with eczema will make it much easier.

1.) Be Open About Your Eczema

People may notice rashes and dry patches on the skin and often wonder what is wrong. It can be embarrassing for people to go about their day to day lives when people stare or whisper about eczema, and it makes them want to not go out in social situations. Being open about your eczema may help others understand what is going on with your skin. Telling your friends and family upfront what eczema is and how it affects you may lessen the stares and make going out a little easier.

2.) Make Sure To Watch Stress Levels

Stress can cause eczema breakouts, which can make the embarrassment of the condition worse. When a person is stressed and experiences a flare-up, they can itch the spot making it worse. The worsening of the symptoms can cause more stress. Make sure to calm down in stressful situations. You can also use your free time to do use stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

3.) Know Your Eczema Triggers

There are a lot of different things like pollen, hot water, and cold air that can trigger an eczema breakout. Knowing what your eczema triggers are can help you avoid them. Avoid using soaps and detergents that have fragrances, and make sure to have moisturizer on hand so you can protect your skin from drying out. This will help avoid eczema breakouts which can lead to embarrassment.

4.) Manage Your Temperatures At Home

Extreme temperatures can affect the skin and cause eczema breakouts. Even though you cannot control the weather outside, you can control what the temperature and the humidity level is inside of your home. Air conditioning is essential when the weather is hot and humid. You will be able to keep the temperature cool so extreme heat does not irritate your skin. Use a humidifier in the winter to keep the humidity levels up when the air is cold and dry.

5.) Do Not Scratch Eczema Patches

Although itching the eczema patches that appear on the skin seems to be the only way to get relief, it will only make them worse. Scratching the skin can also lead to infection because it can open up the skin and allow bacteria in. You should use a cold compress or use moisturizer frequently instead of itching.