Epilepsy sufferers the world over have found that their seizures can become more frequent after they consume certain foods. In fact, the Epilepsy Society has released an official statement saying that food can indeed trigger seizures. It is very important, whether someone has epilepsy or not, to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Doing so alone can already have a great impact on overall health and well-being. In this article, we discuss 9 foods to avoid when suffering from seizures?

Specifically, the 9 foods to avoid when suffering from epilepsy are:

1. Pizza

2. White bread

3. White rice

4. Bagels

5. Dates

6. Bananas

7. Mangoes

8. Ginkgo biloba

9. Any food with MSG (monosodium glutamate).

The Research:

Essentially, these foods to avoid can be divided into refined carbohydrates (items 1 to 4, but also things like soft drinks, cakes, and white pasta), fruits and vegetables (items 5 to 7, but also fruits and vegetables like mashed potatoes and raisins), MSG, and ginkgo nuts. All of this is supported by significant scientific evidence.

In terms of refined carbohydrates, a piece of research published in the Neurology journal in 2006 stated that a test group of patients who consumed only low-glycemic foods had 90% fewer episodes than those on a regular diet. As a result of this study, the Epilepsy Society has stated that epilepsy patients can be affected by fluctuating levels of blood glucose. The advice, therefore, is that patients make efforts to keep their blood glucose levels in balance by avoiding refined carbohydrates. Instead, they should opt for things such as nuts, yogurt, legumes, whole wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, and whole grains, which have a low glycemic index.

Fruits and vegetables are, by their nature, low glycemic and are therefore usually okay to consume. However, certain fruits and vegetables, according to the Epilepsy Society, should be avoided. These do fall in the high glycemic range, meaning they contain a lot of natural sugars.

MSGs, meanwhile, are food additives. They are used in a range of food products and dishes to give them more flavor and as a preservative. In 2004, an animal study was completed and published in Neuroscience Letters. The conclusion of this report was that, if levels of MSG are too high, they can cause changes in the nerve cells of rats, leading to epileptic fits. Anyone who suffers from epilepsy, therefore, should avoid this additive. While no tests have confirmed that humans respond in the same way to MSG, it is advisable not to take any chances.

In terms of Ginkgo nuts, the Epilepsia journal published a piece of research in 2001 that concluded that excessive amounts of ginkgo can make people vomit and have seizures, usually around four hours after consumption. In fact, even people who have never had seizures in the past could develop them all of the sudden. There is reason to believe, therefore, that these nuts are actually toxic and should therefore be avoided.

The above are the 9 foods to avoid from suffering from epilepsy. Make sure to remember not to eat them as they could trigger seizures.