If you notice someone in a state of serious distress due to a health problem or injury, then one of the best things that you can do is help to administer first aid. Sometimes, first-aid doesn't have to be as drastic as giving CPR to someone who's passed out or having a heart-attack. In fact, there are very simple forms of first aid that you can use to reduce pain and discomfort in a range of instances. Here are 9 emergency treatment options for first aid.

1. Chewing gum for heartburn

If you're having heartburn, then sugarless gum can help to alleviate the symptoms by reducing the amount of acid in your stomach and helping you to feel more settled. Though you should see a doctor if you find that symptoms continue for a long time.

2. Credit card to remove stingers

If you're suffering from the pain of a bee sting, remember that you shouldn't use tweezers to get rid of the stinger, as this can lead to the injection of more venom. Instead, all you need to do is scrape it out of your skin with a credit card.

3. Tampons for cuts

Bandages are not the only way to stop bleeding. Tampons are a great way to stop the flow of blood from an open wound. These are much safer to use than tissue paper, which can easily fall apart and leave pieces of paper in the gash.

4. Pencils for headaches

If you clench your teeth when you're stressed, you can start to get a tension headache. Try to relax your jaw and relive some of your head pain by placing a pencil between your teeth. This is one of the simplest options on our list of 9 emergency treatment options for first aid.

5. Cold drinks for swelling

We've all used something cold to help get rid of pain and discomfort before. If you have a lunch that contains an ice pack, or an ice cold drink, you can press that against the swollen area to reduce discomfort and get rid of excess inflammation. On the other hand, try throwing ice you get in a soft drink into a bag.

6. Lip balm for cuts

Lip balm has a special waxiness that stops the flow of blood and helps clots to form more effectively. As one of our 9 emergency treatment options for first aid, dab some lip balm on a small cut and clean away when the bleeding slows.

7. Eye drops for foreign items

If you get something caught in your eye like a lash or some dust, then you can get rid of it quickly and effectively with a dose of eye-drops.

8. Toothpaste for burns

If you're at home and you spill something scalding on your skin, then you can always grab some minty toothpaste to spread over the burn after you've rinsed it with cold water, that should help to reduce your discomfort.

9. Sweater for bleeding

Finally on our list of 9 emergency treatment options for first aid, wounds will require pressure to stop bleeding, you can use your sweater to stop bleeding if you don't have gauze, although it might be hard to get the stains out.