Probably all of us have experienced some type of food poisoning and didn't realize it. This condition is sometimes referred to as food borne illness and it occurs when you consume contaminated food. While everyone who eats contaminated food will get sick, there are still plenty of good reasons to be cautious and take extra care when the symptoms present themselves.

The problem is that most of the symptoms of food poisoning are not always easily identifiable, as they sometimes resemble the stomach flu. That's why it's important to be able to identify the first signs of food poisoning so that you can take whatever steps are necessary to protect your health and well-being.

Nausea And Vomiting

One of the first and most obvious signs of food poisoning is the nauseous feeling you'll get deep in your stomach. It is an indication that your body is having a hard time digesting the food that you've consumed. This can lead to vomiting but not always. If you do vomit, you'll notice that you will feel a little better afterwards but not always. Many people will write it off as the flu but if you've eaten anything that is questionable prior to that, it's a good bet that you have food poisoning.

Problems With Digesting Food

Food poisoning is the result of ingesting bacteria that grow in contaminated food. Once consumed, the bacteria can alter the way your body processes other foods you eat. This could cause other symptoms like watery or bloody stool along with extreme abdominal cramping and stomach pain. If these symptoms start to occur, it's important to have a doctor to monitor your symptoms so that you can be treated if the condition becomes worse. At best, you need to make sure that you remain hydrated so that you can flush your system of the contaminants as soon as possible.

Loss Of Appetite

One of the first signs of food poisoning that most people overlook is a loss of appetite. While it is quite common with food poisoning it is one symptom that is often overlooked or is encouraged. However, while you may not have any desire to eat after such severe symptoms, it is important to keep up your level of energy while your body fights off the bacteria. This can only be done if you are getting the right amount of nutrients in your system.

Flu Like Symptoms

You may also feel fluey. This can occur within just a few hours of eating the contaminated food. This could make you feel extremely fatigued and feverish, along with chills and trembling. All of these are the result of the body's immune system working overtime to rid it of the bacteria that you've ingested.

Because the symptoms of food poisoning are so similar to other common ailments, many people do not recognize that they have food poisoning. While in most cases, the body is strong enough to force out the bacteria from the system, there are cases where the condition can become so serious that it is life threatening. Once you've identified the first signs of food poisoning, it is imperative that the condition be monitored carefully. If the condition continues to worsen rather than improve over time, it's imperative that you get medical treatment right away to prevent permanent damage to your health.