Foodborne germs and bacteria are the things that are responsible for incidences of food poisoning. Foodborne illnesses affect millions of people across the United States and the world. Sometimes, the people who are affected by foodborne germs will not show any symptoms whatsoever, while other people who encounter these problems will find that they suffer from serious discomfort, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. Here, we'll look at everything you need to know about foodborne germs and illnesses.

Common Types of Foodborne Illnesses:

When it comes to learning everything you need to know about foodborne germs and illnesses, it's worth looking at some of the most common types of illness that you can expect to encounter. Knowing the type of foodborne illness you have is the first step in treating the problem and making sure that you recover as quickly as possible.

One important thing to remember is that there are over 250 types of food-poisoning based diseases. Although it would be very difficult to cover all the different bacteria involved with food poisoning in a single article, we can look at five of the most common issues in America, which are:

1. Botulism

Botulism might not be one of the most common illnesses in the world, but it's something that many people have suffered from. These illnesses come in three different types, which include wound-based botulism, infant botulism, and foodborne botulism.

2. Campylobacter

This is a type of bacteria that can get into the body and cause serious symptoms, such as diarrhea and even worse. Usually, people get this illness because they ingested unpasteurized milk or contaminated food or water.

3. Shigella

This is a type of bacteria that is most often transmitted through feces. Typically, it's responsible for causing a serious infection known as dysentery, which sometimes causes life-threatening bouts of diarrhea.

4. Salmonella

Most people throughout the world have heard of salmonellosis. This is a food borne illness that can come from eating poultry or eggs that haven't been properly cooked.

5. E. coli

Finally, E. coli is one of the most common causes of food-borne illness. It typically effects around 73,000 people each year and is caused by eating food that has been contaminated by feces.

Treatments for Foodborne illnesses:

When it comes to everything you need to know about foodborne germs and illnesses, it's worth learning that different types of disease come with different treatments. If you believe that you have a foodborne illness, it's important to gather as much information as possible about your condition to share with your doctor. The kind of infection that you have will help the doctor decide what treatment you will need. For instance, a lot of the different foodborne illnesses that we experience today can be treated by simply drinking plenty of fluids and getting lots of rest. However, some illnesses will require special medications and antibiotics.

Most of the time, to check what kind of illness you have, your doctor will ask for a sample of your stool or samples of other bodily fluids.