One of the issues that many men and women worry about on a regular basis involves hair loss. Losing your hair can happen for a variety of reasons, from specific illnesses and diseases, to hereditary causes, but no-matter what the origin of the problem may be, the results remain the same: reduced confidence and self-esteem. Heredity accounts for approximately 95% of all cases of baldness or hair loss within America and the remaining five percent can be attributed to various different factors, including stress, illness, diets, and even taking certain medications.

Fortunately for people who are suffering with this particular issue, there are some available hair loss treatment options out there. But you may find that certain solutions don't work for you, or others work more profoundly, so you may have to do some research before you find the perfect fit.

Pills For Preventing Hair Loss

One of the many hair loss treatment options available around the world today comes in the form of a pill. For example, for individuals searching for a capsule that they can take to prevent baldness, Finasteride, known as propecia, can be taken on a daily basis. This substance works by lowering levels of DHT, which is an action that often leads to reduced hair loss in most men. When taken regularly, it can also lead to some regrowth too.

Finasteride and minoxidil, which is the other hair loss product that are currently approved by the FDA, require commitment. In other words, if you stop taking either treatment, you'll find that your hair-related progress quickly disappears. Within months, you might even find that you lose any of the hair that you have managed to grow back with all of your hard work. Meanwhile, although these medications can have potential effects in terms of decreases in libido and other sexual problems, these are rare, and generally only temporary.

Liquid Hair Loss Treatment Options

Designed originally as a system for treating high blood pressure, the first medication that the FDA approved to treat male pattern baldness was minoxidil. By applying this substance regularly to the scalp on a twice daily basis, men who are still within the earlier stages of hair loss can stimulate regrowth. Although the results of treatment with such substances are often limited, they can be used alongside other treatments to deliver a better outcome.

Hair Transplants

Obviously a more severe solution than medications and hair treatments, hair transplants can be accessed by people in search of a permanent solution to their hair loss woes. Fortunately, the changes in technique and materials that have occurred over the years means that hair transplants no longer look like dolls' hair, but you will need a lot of money to pay for the procedure. On average, most people who receive a follicle transplant receive thousands of grafts, which take strips of hair from bushier parts of the head.

The more hair you want to regrow over your head and the thicker you want that hair to be will have an impact on the final amount you can expect to pay. However, most patients find that the cost of a hair transplant is incredibly expensive.