When it comes to understanding the answers to the question "What causes head and neck cancer and how is it treated?" it's worth noting that this is a very complicated topic. At this stage, it's hard to pinpoint the cause of all kinds of head and neck cancer, as everything from oral health, to over-exposure to certain hazardous materials can play a part.

In additional, the treatments can be widely varied according to the specifics of the disease.

Causes of Head and Neck Cancer:

The first step in understanding what causes head and neck cancer and how is it treated, involves looking at the risk factors that can lead to this type of disease. Generally, tobacco and alcohol use are some of the most important risk factors for this type of cancer, particularly in certain areas of the head and neck.

Furthermore, preserved and salted foods, infections with certain types of viruses, and poor oral health have also been linked to the disease. Additionally, there are some signs that infection with Epstein Barr and radiation exposure may also increase risk.

Various Treatment Options for Head and Neck Cancer:

When answering the question: "What causes head and neck cancer and how is it treated?" it's worth noting that there are many types of cancer that can be treated when found early. Though the primary goal of the treatment is to eliminate the cancer, it's also important to preserve the function of surrounding tissues, organs, and nerves.

Some of the main treatment options include targeted therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. By themselves, radiation therapy and surgery might make up an essential part of a patient's treatment plan, but other options will depend on the stage and type of the cancer, the potential side effects, and the overall health of the patient.

Surgical Options for Head and Neck Cancer:

Cancer of head or neck make up about 4% of all the cancer disease in the United States. One of the most common forms of treatment used to address these issues is surgery. During the surgical procedure, the goal is to remove the cancerous tumor, along with a small amount of healthy surrounding tissue. Some of the types of surgery used might include:

– Laser surgery: This type of surgery could be used for early-stage tumors that are often found in the larynx

– Excision: This kind of surgical procedure might be used to remove the cancerous tumor as well as surrounding healthy tissue, otherwise known as a margin.

– Dissection: If there's some evidence that cancer might have spread the doctor may choose to remove lymph nodes within the neck. This could lead to stiffness and discomfort in the shoulders and it is done at the same time as an excision

– Reconstructive surgery – If the surgery requires the major removal of tissue when it comes to getting rid of cancerous cells, then there may be a need for additional reconstructive or plastic surgery to ensure that the person's quality of life does not get substantially affected.