Hearing loss represents the third most common problem with health in the United States, and it can affect the quality of your life significantly. Around 48 million Americans have currently lost some of their hearing. Meanwhile, with so many different untreatable cases of hearing loss, it's worth noting that prevention remains to be the best way to ensure that you keep your hearing ability for the long term. Additionally, if you have already lost some of your hearing, there are several ways that you can communicate and stay connected to family and friends.

Hearing Loss Causes:

There are many potential causes of hearing loss including illness and infection, trauma, and many more. One of the most common causes of hearing loss is advanced age. Around one in every three people between the ages of 65 and 74 will have some manner of hearing loss. After 75, that number goes up to one in two people.

Researchers are unsure why hearing ability is affected by age. Sometimes, lifetime exposure to noise might wear down those components within the ear that allow for good hearing. It's important to remember that noise can easily wear down hearing if that noise is continuous or loud. In certain spaces, ears are constantly exposed to dangerous levels of noise each day. In order to understand the impact of that noise, keep in mind that around 48% of all plumbers' report hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Signs and Symptoms:

Often, hearing ability begins to fade gradually so you may not notice it. You might believe that people are mumbling more often, or that you need a better phone. However, you might find out later that you are gradually become more cut off from sounds. Many doctors classify the loss of hearing according to various degrees:

– Mild hearing loss

This occurs when it's difficult to catch every word of a conversation when background noise is present.

– Moderate hearing loss

This happens when you need to frequently ask people to repeat themselves during conversations that might take place on the phone or in person.

– Severe hearing loss

This happens when following a conversation is practically impossible without a hearing aid.

– Profound hearing loss

This happens when you can't hear what other people are saying unless it is extremely loud.

Hearing Loss Treatment Options:

Treatments for hearing loss will depend on the cause of your problem. Sometimes, prompt medical treatment for sudden loss of hearing might raise your chances of recovery. Additionally, surgery might help to reverse hearing loss that is caused by infection, scar tissue, osteosclerosis, and more. In some cases, hearing loss that is linked to infection can be cleared with antibiotics. If you believe that your hearing loss comes from the use of certain medication, you should talk to your doctor about changing meds.

Most people who suffer from permanent hearing loss can benefit from a hearing aid. However, only around one in five people who need hearing aids actually use them. These tiny instruments can help to make sounds louder, and you will need to speak to your doctor about getting one.