When someone suffers from a heart attack, it may not always feel the same to a woman as it would to a man. Female heart attack symptoms can be different from the classic signs associated with male heart attacks, such as crushing pain in the chest that radiates along one arm. While those heart attack symptoms can certainly happen to women, many often experience silent or vague symptoms that can frequently be missed. There are a number of female heart attack symptoms that women should watch out for.

Signs to Be Wary Of

Some of the most common female heart attack symptoms are very similar to symptoms that men experience. For example, discomfort or pain in the chest is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. However, certain women frequently experience it in a different way from men. For example, the chest pain may feel like a squeezing sensation anywhere in the chest and not necessarily just on the left side.

Another common symptom is the pain in your neck, back, arms, and jaw. This form of pain is often more common in women than it is in men. It may confuse most women who believe that their pain should be focused towards the left arm and chest. The pain can either be sudden or gradual, and it may wane and wax before it becomes too intense. If you are asleep, then you may wake up during this time, and you should report any unexplained symptoms that occur above the waist to your doctor immediately.

Other Common Symptoms

It is not uncommon for women to confuse a stomach pain that actually represents a symptom of a heart attack, with a stomach ulcer, signs of the flu, or even heart burn. Some women experience a severe amount of pressure within their abdomen which feels as though a huge weight is pushing down on their stomach. Similarly, many women suffer from things like nausea, difficult with breath and lightheadedness. If you suddenly find that you’re struggling to breathe properly and you cannot see a reason behind it, this might be a sign that you’re suffering from a heart attack, particularly if you’re having other symptoms at the same time.

Sweating is a frequent sign of a heart attack, although it’s important to remember that you sweat naturally for a number of other reasons. Sweating that is related to a heart attack will feel more like sweating as a result of stress, instead of exercise or because you’re too warm. If you find that you start to sweat profusely for no reason, then you should get the problem checked. Finally, some women who suffer with heart attacks experience exhaustion even if they haven’t done much for a prolonged period of time. Patients often complain of a sense of tiredness in their chest, and struggle to maanage simple activities.

Crucially, everyone who suffers from a heart attack won’t always experience the exact same symptoms. If you have discomfort in your chest, especially if you also have a number of other signs present, then you should call 911 immediately.