Heart disease, which is also referred to as cardiovascular disease, is sort of an umbrella term for a variety of different problems that can occur in the heart and its surrounding network of veins and arteries. This term is commonly used for atherosclerosis, where plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries. However, the term heart disease can also be used to describe arrhythmia, heart valve problems and heart failure.

What Is Heart Disease?

The short answer to the question of "what is heart disease?" is that it's any disease that afflicts the heart. It covers both genetic disorders that sufferers are born with, as well as conditions that people gain later in life. If someone has an unusual heartbeat, or an arrhythmia, that also qualifies as heart disease. Some heart disease is preventable by keeping proper nutrition and exercising. Other types of heart disease, though, such as bad valves or an ailing organ, can only be treated with drugs, surgery or both.

How To Cope With Heart Disease

The best way to fight heart disease is to take steps to prevent it in the first place. This means that individuals need to maintain a healthy, balanced diet that avoids too much cholesterol, too much sugar and too many stimulants. Things like alcohol, caffeine, etc. should be kept to a minimum for those who want to keep their hearts as healthy as possible. Combined with proper vitamins and exercise, a great deal of heart disease can be prevented from ever occurring in the first place.

If someone does develop a heart condition, such as angina or other difficulty, there are still ways to cope with it though. Medications can strengthen the heart and help fight infections and weakness, particularly when combined with therapy. For truly extreme cases, such as a build up of plaque that's become a blood clot or a valve that's threatening someone's life, there is the option of having surgery on one's heart. In extreme circumstances a heart may be replaced with a transplant. The transplant can be either a donated organ, or in some circumstances it may be a mechanical heart that functions the same way one made of tissue would.

Have Your Heart Checked

When it comes to heart disease, often times a person might not know about it until it's much too late to do anything. This is especially true for people who don't go to the doctor and who don't get regular checkups from a professional. For those whose lifestyle might lead to heart disease, or for those whose families have histories of heart problems, it's always important to make sure that a knowledgeable professional gives them a regular check up. Symptoms of heart problems could be misinterpreted by people who aren't sure what they're looking for, but in order to keep safe someone has to keep a constant vigil for the first warning signs. Early detection is key to making sure that more extreme measures of treatment don't become necessary at a later date.