Many people today are deciding to go for LASIK eye surgery as a way to enhance their vision and do away with the inconveniences of eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, as the number of people opting for this increases, so too does the number of questions associated with what happens before, during, and after the procedure. If you're looking for information about what happens after LASIK – what to expect after LASIK eye surgery, then it's worth noting that your experience will differ depending on your doctor, and your circumstances.

With that in mind, we've put together some information on what happens after LASIK – what to expect after LASIK eye surgery, that should help to put your mind at ease regarding the procedure.

After The Surgery:

First of all, after LASIK – what to expect after LASIK eye surgery, the patient will probably experience some burning or itching around and in the eye. It's normal to feel some discomfort, and often your doctor will prescribe a mild pain reliever for that. Although you might want to rub your eyes, it's important to avoid doing this as much as possible, as it can cause damage to the sensitive parts of your eye that are still healing following the surgery.

You may also find that you suffer from sensitivity to light, and some issues with your vision, as well as noticing that the whites of your eyes seem bloodshot or red. Fortunately, these symptoms should improve considerably within a few days following your surgery. Nevertheless, it's worth planning to take a few days away from work until the effects of the LASIK procedure have subsided.

Recovering After LASIK – What To Expect After LASIK Eye Surgery:

Most experts will recommend that you wait a few days following your surgery before you get involved with any non-contact sport, depending on how you feel, the amount of activity required, and the instructions given by your doctor. What's more, in order to help prevent infection, you may be asked to refrain from using lotions, creams, or makeups around the eye for a few weeks after your surgery. Your doctor may advise you to scrub your eyelashes for a period of time after surgery, and you will also be asked to avoid using hot tubs, or pools for one or two months.

The first few months after your surgery, you'll probably notice that your vision fluctuates, and it may take up to six months for your sight to stabilize. You might need to avoid driving at night and looking at bright lights wherever possible. What's more, you will need to watch your symptoms very carefully to spot anything that might be out of the ordinary, or suggest that you need to see a doctor. For example, it is important to contact and arrange an appointment with your eye doctor immediately if you begin to develop worsening or unusual symptoms following your surgery. These symptoms may be an indication that something has gone wrong, and in some cases, if the matter is not treated early enough, you could suffer from loss of vision.