Sometimes, we're so busy looking for the presence of learning disabilities in children that it can be difficult for us to pinpoint the signs of learning disabilities in adults. However, the truth is that many of the problems that children suffer from may continue with them into adulthood. There are many different conditions that can easily affect both children and adults throughout their lives.

Here, we're going to take a closer look at the 10 most common learning disabilities in adults, and try to get a better understanding of what each of them means.


The first on our list of the 10 most common learning disabilities in adults, is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This leads to delayed development in various areas, including problems with completing tasks, concentrating, and following instructions.

2. Asperger syndrome

This is a type of disorder that can be found in the autistic spectrum. It has been proven that Asperger syndrome is usually a genetic disorder and it can lead to problems with learning, particularly when it comes to understanding body language and emotion.

3. Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia, which is included in this list of 10 most common learning disabilities in adults, is a condition that you might not have heard of before. It is characterized as a problem with conceptualizing numbers. Many people with this condition are highly confused by math issues.

4. Dyslexia

People with dyslexia experience a lot of problems with learning, including difficulty in telling left from right, and problems with reading and organizational skills. Sometimes, it is easy for these people to get distracted and overwhelmed.

5. PDD

Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) is a term used to refer to problems in the development of numerous basic functions, including communication and socialization skills. Autism is considered to be a kind of PDD.

6. Sensory Integrative Disorder

People with sensory integrative disorder (SID) have difficulties in processing information from the senses, including touch, taste, touch, sound, and taste. Information from the sense can still be received normally, but it is often perceived differently, which leads to distress.

7. Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a condition that leads to problems with learning which involves fine and motor functions. It can result into problems in education, employment, and everyday life, and there are also some co-occurring conditions involved.

8. Dysgraphia

If you suffer from writing problems, the underlying condition might be dysgraphia. Dysgraphia leads to problems in understanding written words, and having a handwriting that can be recognized by others.

9. Language processing disorder

A specific form of auditory processing disorder, language processing disorder happens when you struggle to attach meaning to sounds that form stories, sentences, and words. While with an auditory processing disorder, the problem is with distinguishing all sounds that come into the brain, a language processing disorder leads to problems with processing language.

10. Non-verbal learning disabilities

Finally on our list of the 10 most common learning disabilities in adults, non-verbal learning disabilities relate to those that have problems with their visual-spatial, and motor skills. You might struggle reading body language and have poor coordination.