Research has shown that more and more children in this country are registered as having some sort of disability. While the incidence of physical disabilities has remained reasonably stable, the number of children with a developmental/learning/behavioral disability has seen a sharp rise. Thus, some people are now saying that these disabilities are being over-diagnosed. Indeed, when you come to look at the 10 most common learning disabilities in children, it is highly likely that you know at least one child who has one of those disabilities.

It is also a known fact that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has indeed been over-diagnosed. One of the reasons for that was an intensive marketing campaign by the manufacturers of Ritalin. Unfortunately, it is now becoming clear that many children were simply bored, or were living in households where they receive insufficient attention from their parents who had very busy lifestyles. They do not, therefore, have a true disability but rather require a different form of parenting. One of the biggest problems this has caused, however, is that those children who do have ADHD are now no longer taken seriously.

So what are the 10 most common learning disabilities in children?

1. Dyslexia (difficulties with reading)

2. Dyscalculia (difficulties with math)

3. Dysgraphia (difficulties with writing)

4. Dyspraxia (difficulties with motor skills)

5. Aphasia (difficulties with language)

6. Dysphasia (difficulties with language)

7. Auditory Processing Disorder (difficulties with hearing, although they are not deaf)

8. Visual Processing Disorder (difficulties with seeing, although they are not blind)


10. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Each of these learning disabilities can have a significant negative impact on the overall learning journey of a child. That said, they are not disabilities that should stop a child from leading a fulfilling life and becoming a well-rounded and well-educated adult. Rather, it is about determining that a problem is there, and providing the appropriate treatment.

Sometimes, treatment is very simple. For instance, dyslexia is a very common condition that makes it difficult for people to read properly. They often see letters move in front of them, and words may even jump out of order. People with dyslexia will also often turn letters, such as the 'd' and the 'b' or the 'p' and the 'q' around. Yet, researchers have now found that simply changing the font of texts that people with dyslexia read, can completely solve this problem. The so-called 'Dyslexia Font' is available as a free download and can now even be installed on mobile devices.

The only learning disability that is likely to cause permanent issues in terms of the development of a child is autism. That said, the autistic spectrum is incredibly wide, ranging from people with mild difficulties in social situations, to those who require permanent hospitalization and support. More and more commonly, children with ASD are entered in mainstream educational institutions and fare very well for the majority of their time there. This is also due to a better understanding of the 10 most common learning disabilities in children among educators, parents, and children alike.