Many people have developed Lyme disease and have suffered greatly from it. This leads many to wonder what is Lyme disease and how can they avoid it. This is an infection caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and it is usually found in a number of different forest animals and birds. It is transmitted to humans by ticks that usually feed on the infected animal first and then pass the disease to humans through a small bite.

These ticks usually live in more humid regions where there is little risk of them drying out. They could be found in woodland areas like forests, pastures, and grassy areas but are not limited to these places. There have also been many reports that ticks have been found even in urban areas where there are lots of public parks and gardens. You’ll find these ticks where you find animals for them to feed on like rodents, birds, sheep, and deer. Many of these animals are immune to the disease but it doesn’t prevent them from passing it on to humans.

Common Lyme Disease Symptoms:

When learning what is Lyme disease, many want to know what type of symptoms to look for. One of the earliest signs of Lyme disease is a telltale rash that appears within three to thirty days after being bitten by an infected tick. The rash will appear as a small red dot and spread slowly over the infected area. Most people do not notice the rash when it first appears and won’t even look for it until they begin to experience the flu-like symptoms that usually come later. These include extreme fatigue, headaches, a stiff neck, and joint pain.

How to Identify Lyme Disease:

One sure way to identify Lyme disease is from the rash that appears after being bitten but since most people are not looking for it, the next way to confirm a definitive diagnosis is through a blood test. In the early stages this can show up negative so it may have to be repeated again after a few weeks in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis. It is important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible because if left untreated the disease will continue to progress causing major damage to your health.

Best Course of Lyme Disease Treatment:

The best course of treatment for Lyme disease is a strong course of antibiotics. The earlier the treatment is started the better your chances of making a full recovery and not experiencing permanent damage to your body’s nervous system.

While there is no cure for Lyme disease, it can be treated and most people can recover to the point where they can live relatively normal lives. This means that it is important that everyone take preventive measures to avoid exposure to the disease. One’s first reaction would be to avoid spending time out of doors but that is not necessary. Just make sure that you cover up so that as little skin as possible is exposed when you’re in areas where ticks may be looking for a feeding source. The less exposure you have to tick bites the fewer chances you have to get the disease transmitted to you. Once you know what is Lyme disease and what to do about it, the easier it will be to prevent getting it.