All women go through menopause at some point. Even before it has really started, however, they may begin to experience the early signs and symptoms of menopause. The exact symptoms vary from one woman to the next, including the time when they start to experience them. It is not common for symptoms to start before a woman is at least 40 years old, although it does happen. Being aware of the symptoms can help you, as a woman, so it is advisable to prepare yourself for the next big transition in your life.

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause

Once a woman completes menopause, she no longer menstruates. Naturally, most early signs and symptoms of menopause are related to changes in the menstrual cycle. Many women will suddenly start missing a period, which may also make them think that they are pregnant. In fact, a lot of the other symptoms may make them consider this possibility. This is why it is very common for women who enter this phase to undertake a pregnancy test. What actually happens is that there is a significant drop in the level of estrogen, and this is what is causing the various changes.

When a woman starts to enter menopause, her menstrual cycle will change significantly. Missing a period is common, but so is suddenly experiencing much lighter, or much heavier, periods. Additionally, women may notice that their PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) symptoms start to change. Some women never experienced PMS before they reach menopause, others notice the frequency of their menstruation dropping, and so on. Severe menstrual cramps are also very common during the start of menopause.

Other symptoms are less related to the menstrual cycle, however. Some women will often start to feel severely exhausted, for instance. Additionally, they can start to experience mood swings. These are all due to the hormones being imbalanced, and the level of estrogen dropping significantly as well. It is because of these reasons that many women start to turn towards hormone replacement therapy at this time. This is because these types of symptoms can become debilitating, particularly if a woman also starts to develop hot flushes and painful skin, particularly on the face.

Menopause affects women's quality of life. Their periods change, they feel exhausted, they feel nervous, and they get stressed. Additionally, their sleep patterns will change. Most women also notice a significant decrease in their sex drive. Depression is also common. This is caused, in part, by the hormone changes. However, it is also because it is often difficult for some women to come to terms with the fact that they are entering a new chapter in their lives.

All women will experience menopausal symptoms at some point. Usually, this happens somewhere during their forties, although it can happen earlier or later. When they start to experience these symptoms in their twenties, however, it is very important that they seek medical attention, as this could be indicative of an underlying problem that requires treatment. By being aware of the symptoms, however, woman can also be better prepared for them.