Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) often do not experience the initial symptoms of the disease until sometime between the ages of 20 and 40. The symptoms may appear for a while then improve and reappear over the course of the years. Thus, it's important for them to closely monitor these symptoms and report them to a doctor so that treatment can be adjusted when needed.

Some people experience depression once diagnosed with the disease due to fear that it can and will control their lives. However, if they work closely with their doctor on treatment options, there are ways to manage the symptoms so they can stay healthy and continue to lead productive lives. But the first step is to learn how to identify the early symptoms & diagnosis of multiple sclerosis would be easier.

Early Symptoms Of MS:

Some of the first indications that a person may have MS are blurred or double vision, difficulty thinking or concentrating, a lack of coordination, inability to keep your balance, numbness and tingling in the extremities, and weakness in the arms or legs.

Since no two people will have the same symptoms and they come and go without warning it can be difficult to be sure that you are in fact experiencing symptoms & diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is not certain. Some people may only show one symptom that can last for many months without any other changes while others may have several symptoms that just don't seem to go away and may in fact progress over the years.

Most Common Signs:

The most common changes MS patients experience in the mind and body can also vary in intensity. People may have unusual sensations like a tingly feeling of pins and needles throughout the body. There may be numbness, itching, burning, or a sharp stabbing and tearing pain. These can be very uncomfortable, especially when they come on without warning. But with the right treatment, they can be managed.

Bladder problems also are common in MS. Frequent trips to the bathroom, inability to sleep through the night or difficulty emptying your bladder can drastically disrupt your normal life pattern. If you experience any of these symptoms or they come and go without warning, it's important to visit your doctor to get a diagnosis so that you can start treatment as soon as possible.

Secondary Symptoms:

Patients also have secondary symptoms of the disease that are most likely caused by the initial symptoms. For example, the inability to vacate the bladder when needed (an initial symptom) can lead to bladder infections. Once you know the symptoms & diagnosis of multiple sclerosis can be easier, then you will be able to get the necessary treatment you need to ensure that you lead a normal life. Because the disease often changes over time and varies in its intensity, it is best to avoid making comparisons with others. Instead, follow your doctor's advice and learn to manage your own symptoms in the way that your body will respond and you should be able to leave a full and active life in spite of it.