Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a highly unpredictable and debilitating disease. There are many different multiple sclerosis symptoms to be aware of as well. Essentially, people with this disease have damage to the myelin sheath, whose job is to insulate the nerve tissues so that they can send the right impulses through the nervous system. As a result of MS, this sheath disappears, leaving the nerves open to damage.

It is not yet known what causes this disorder, so scientists continue to conduct research. Nevertheless, the consensus is that it is an autoimmune condition in which the body attacks its own organs and cells. More women than men suffer from it, and it is usually diagnosed between the age of 20 and 50. It is believed to have some connection to genetics as well as to the Epstein-Barr virus.

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms:

Each MS patient experiences the condition differently. Some people have several multiple sclerosis symptoms, while others have only one. These symptoms can range from minor to life-limiting, and they can last anything from minutes to years. However, there are some commonly seen symptoms in most MS patients, and those are the ones that have to do with vision.

People with MS often suffer from color vision distortion, blurry vision, and loss of vision. Because it is a progressive disease, other symptoms may appear later on. These include coordination and balance problems, weakness in the extremities, numbness, muscle spasms, loss of sensation, fatigue, and speech problems. Some people experience mental health issues, including attention and concentration problems, judgment impairment, memory loss, and no longer being able to perform sequential tasks.

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment:

Unfortunately, there is still no cure for MS. However, the symptoms can be managed to a certain degree. Physicians will provide patients with various medications, some of which are designed to stop further inflammation, and others that help with specific symptoms. Muscle relaxants, energy tablets, and pain medications are commonly prescribed. Furthermore, physical therapy will be offered to help patients remain physically active for as long as possible. Also, patients are often provided with some form of rehabilitation treatment, so they can relearn to perform certain actions in different ways.

MS patients will usually be advised to make various important lifestyle changes that will help with disease management. They must rest a lot to reduce their fatigue levels. Fatigue is very commonly experienced by MS patients. Furthermore, it is important to exercise regularly so that muscle strength and tone can be improved, and to maintain coordination and balance. Also, patients must eat a healthy, balanced, and nutritious diet to strengthen the immune system as w hole. Last but not least, they should avoid stress as much as possible, because high cortisol (stress hormone) levels have been observed to worsen the symptoms and increase the speed of progression of the disease.

Although MS cannot be cured, it does not mean that patients cannot live a fulfilling life. It is about finding out what works and how the symptoms can best be controlled and managed. In so doing, their quality of life can be made as comfortable as possible.