Managing neuropathy is no easy task. Since there is no cure for neuropathy, it can be a frustrating condition to live with. Your goal in seeking out a foot neuropathy treatment should be primarily to bring you relief from the symptoms and to monitor them for other underlying conditions. Before you begin any type of treatment for your condition, it is important to consult with your doctor first. Depending on the severity of your condition he may suggest that you wait and watch how your condition progresses before he will suggest any form of treatment. Many times neuropathy will improve on its own without any additional treatment to follow.


However, if there is no improvement, your doctor may suggest a course of medication. These could include pain relievers like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Over the counter painkillers are often used for milder symptoms but for moderate to severe symptoms, you may need a prescription.

Other medications could include opioids like tramadol or oxycodone but caution is warranted with these as they may lead to a dependence or an addiction. Doctors will only prescribe these if the other courses of treatment prove to be ineffective.

Other medications can serve as alternative foot neuropathy treatment. You might consider topical treatments like Capsaicin cream to help with the burning sensation and irritation that may come up. Antidepressants can help to ease neuropathy pains and anti-seizure medication can help to relieve nerve pain.


Aside from medication there are several therapies that have proven effective in easing the symptoms of neuropathy. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) places electrodes on the skin that delivers a mild electric current to the area. Using a TENS unit for 30 minutes a day has helped to relieve symptoms in many people.

Plasma exchange removes the blood from the body and then cleanses it of antibodies and proteins that may have accumulated. Then the blood is retransfused back into the body to help in suppressing the immune system benefiting those who have inflammation along with neuropathy.

Alternative Treatments:

There are also several alternatives used in a foot neuropathy treatment. Acupuncture is known to reduce many of the peripheral neuropathy symptoms, alpha-lipoic acid treatments are also very effective but may require extra caution as they can affect blood sugar levels. They also come with additional side effects like an upset stomach and skin rashes.

Many people take herbal products, such as primrose oil, to reduce neuropathy pain in diabetics. However, while most herbs are harmless it is always wise to consult with your doctor before taking them as some may have adverse interactions with the medications you may be taking.

When it comes to finding a foot neuropathy treatment there are many factors to consider. Since no two people will react to treatments in exactly the same way what may work for one person may not work for you. It is always best to discuss any treatment in detail with your doctor even if you believe they are basically harmless. This way you can be made aware of any possible side affects, warnings, or other problems that may result. It may take some time to find ways to treat your condition but with patience and an open mind you should be able to find some form of treatment that can help to ease your symptoms and bring you relief.