Miscarriages are quite common. In fact, it is believed that many women suffer miscarriages without even being aware of it, confusing it with a heavy period. It should be noted, however, that in order for something to be classed as a miscarriage, it has to happen before 20 weeks gestation, although it usually happens in the first trimester.

Miscarriage Causes:

It is believed that the majority of miscarriages happen because there is a genetic problem with the embryo, which would mean life would not be sustainable after full gestation. Often, these are not genetic issues that the mother also has. However, there are other causes of miscarriages as well, including:


Medical conditions

Thyroid disease


Viral infections that spread to the placenta

There are also a number of key risk factors for miscarriages:

Smoking in excess of 10 cigarettes per day

Mothers being older

Uterus trauma

Excessive alcohol consumption

Past miscarriages

Exposure to radiation

Being over- or underweight

Having uterus anatomical abnormalities

Illegal drug use

Use of NSAIDs around conception

If a woman has had a miscarriage in the past, she has a 20% chance of having another. Once a woman has experienced three or more miscarriages, that chance increases to 43%.

Miscarriage Signs & Symptoms:

The most typical symptoms of a miscarriage are pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant and she experiences vaginal bleeding, it should be investigated straight away. That said, it is common for bleeding to occur, particularly in the first trimester, and it doesn't always mean that a woman is miscarrying. However, when there is cramping, dull pain that comes and go, and passages of cloths, it is more likely that a miscarriage has taken place. Clots can be placental or fetal tissue, which tends to look whitish with a covering of blood.

Miscarriage Treatments:

Unfortunately, there isn't really a type of treatment for miscarriages. However, if a woman is known to be at risk, she may be advised to take bed rest, stop having intercourse, and to not engage in any physical activity. Once a woman starts to miscarry, however, there is nothing else that can be done. Usually, it also doesn't require any treatment, unless some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus, which can be removed through D&C (dilation and curettage).

After a miscarriage, a woman has to be investigated to determine what the underlying cause was, as this can be treated to prevent further miscarriages. For instance, rhesus negative women will be given a dose of anti-D, or rho-D immune globulin injections. This will make it less likely that future pregnancies will become problematic. Antibiotics may be prescribed if an infection was the root of the problem.

Typically, however, if a miscarriage occurs, nothing will be done in terms of treatment, because there is nothing to be treated. Rather, it was just a stroke of bad luck. The vast majority of women who have had a miscarriage go on to develop happy, healthy pregnancies later on in life.